Reinvestment, task complexity and decision making under pressure in basketball

Kinrade, N.P. ORCID: 0000-0001-6370-4628, Jackson, R.C. and Ashford, K.J., 2015. Reinvestment, task complexity and decision making under pressure in basketball. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 20, pp. 11-19. ISSN 1469-0292

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The aims of this study were to investigate choking susceptibility in a perceptual judgment task and to examine the predictive validity of the Decision Specific Reinvestment Scale (DSRS). A computer-based, choice response time basketball passing task was performed under low and high pressure conditions. Complexity was manipulated by depicting 3-on-3 and 5-on-5 scenarios. Repeated-measures ANOVAs revealed performance decrements under pressure with regard to response accuracy, moderated by task complexity, and a general speeding of performance over successive blocks. The DSRS was a significant predictor of poorer response accuracy under pressure in the high-complex task. Examination of the DSRS subscales revealed rumination as the only significant factor, predicting changes in response time and accuracy in the low- and high-complex versions of the task, respectively. Findings support the predictive validity of the DSRS, and highlight the importance of avoiding ruminative thoughts when making complex decisions under pressure.

Item Type: Journal article
Publication Title: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Creators: Kinrade, N.P., Jackson, R.C. and Ashford, K.J.
Publisher: Elsevier
Date: September 2015
Volume: 20
ISSN: 1469-0292
S1469029215000308Publisher Item Identifier
Divisions: Schools > School of Science and Technology
Record created by: Jonathan Gallacher
Date Added: 19 Sep 2019 15:49
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2019 15:49

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