Developing knowledge work skills in a university course

Sansone, N., Cesareni, D., Ligorio, M.B., Bortolotti, I. and Buglass, S. ORCID: 0000-0002-1079-8461, 2019. Developing knowledge work skills in a university course. Research Papers in Education. ISSN 0267-1522

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In this paper, we present a blended university course whose design is inspired by the Trialogical Learning Approach and its six Design Principles. The structure, activities, and content of the course are described in detail. The course description is followed by an explorative case-study conducted on data collected during the 2017-2018 edition of the course. The general aim was to understand the impact of the course on students’ perceptions of their acquisition of knowledge work skills and on their overall appreciation of the course. One hundred and nine psychology students (27 male, 82 female, aged 20-23 years) voluntarily participated in a course titled ‘Experimental Pedagogy’ held at Sapienza, University of Rome (IT). The data collection was informed by the trialogical design principles that inspired the course and defined the knowledge work skills to be observed, i.e. collaboration, continuous improvement, and digital skills. Two self-report anonymous questionnaires were administered; one was completed at the end of the course and one at the end of each of the three modules composing the course. Data was analysed using a mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) approach. Results indicated that the course was perceived to effectively promote the majority of the intended skills. Moreover, students appreciated the possibility to concretely work on a project-based learning activity that allowed them to create a shared and meaningful object and reflect their actual learning as intended by the theoretical approach.

Item Type: Journal article
Publication Title: Research Papers in Education
Creators: Sansone, N., Cesareni, D., Ligorio, M.B., Bortolotti, I. and Buglass, S.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Date: 31 October 2019
ISSN: 0267-1522
Divisions: Schools > School of Social Sciences
Record created by: Linda Sullivan
Date Added: 10 Oct 2019 09:01
Last Modified: 31 May 2021 15:03

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