Measuring the benefits of social housing retrofits: a comprehensive framework for evaluating wider impacts.

Asinyaka, M., 2023. Measuring the benefits of social housing retrofits: a comprehensive framework for evaluating wider impacts. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

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This thesis contributes significantly to the evaluation of retrofit benefits in the United Kingdom (especially within the social housing sector), by developing a multi-stakeholder framework that accounts for a wider range of benefits beyond the conventional focus on energy and carbon savings. Using a mixed-methods approach made up of a systematic literature review, detailed expert stakeholder interviews, and an AHP-Delphi prioritization process, this study not only identifies and maps wider retrofit benefits to individual stakeholders, but it also enables their measurement through a scoring tool. This tool (Retrofit Benefits Assessment Tool – REBAT) integrates 12 benefit indicators essential for preliminary assessments, enabling a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of retrofit investments.

Key findings from the qualitative expert interviews underscore the complexities involved in retrofit evaluations and validate the appropriateness and utility of the methodology and tools proposed by this research. The thesis’ novel contribution lies in its multi-stakeholder perspective, which captures insights across the range of individuals and groups who are affected by or are involved in retrofit projects – from occupants and landlords to policymakers and society at large. This perspective ensures that the framework and tools developed are not only comprehensive but also aligned with the needs and priorities of stakeholders.

By bridging the theory-practice, this research provides a robust framework that not only enhances decision-making in retrofit projects but also supports policy development aimed at maximizing the benefits of retrofitting within the social housing sector. The implications of this research are broad, influencing both practice and policy by providing a methodological foundation for assessing the broader impacts of retrofits, promoting evidence-based strategies for achieving sustainability goals, and facilitating the development of retrofit policies that are grounded in comprehensive benefit analyses.

Also, this study addresses critical challenges in the retrofit industry, such as the need for standardisation in benefit evaluations and the integration of diverse benefits into retrofit planning and implementation. The operational tools, method and guidance developed as part of this study, particularly the prioritisation and scoring tools, offer practical, user friendly resources for industry stakeholders, that will enhance the credibility and effectiveness of retrofit evaluations. Overall, this thesis fills a significant gap in the existing literature by systematising the assessment of retrofit benefits while setting a new standard for how such evaluations should be conducted, ensuring they are thorough, inclusive, and directly applicable to real-world settings

Item Type: Thesis
Creators: Asinyaka, M.
Sun, M.Thesis
Manu, E.Thesis
Date: September 2023
Rights: The copyright in this work is held by the author, Michael Asinyaka. You may copy up to 5% of this work for private study, or personal, non-commercial research. Any re-use of the information contained within this document should be fully referenced, quoting the author, title, university, degree level and pagination. Queries or requests for any other use, or if a more substantial copy is required, should be directed to the author.
Divisions: Schools > School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Record created by: Jeremy Silvester
Date Added: 28 Jun 2024 12:35
Last Modified: 28 Jun 2024 12:35

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