Items where Author is "Bellamy, CA"
Journal article
BELLAMY, C.A., 6, P., RAAB, C.D., WARREN, A. and HEENEY, C., 2008. Information-sharing and confidentiality in social policy: regulating multi-agency working. Public Administration, 86 (3), pp. 737-759.
6, P., BELLAMY, C.A., RAAB, C.D., WARREN, A. and HEENEY, C., 2007. Institutional shaping of inter-agency working: managing tensions between collaborative working and client confidentiality. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17 (3), pp. 405-434. ISSN 1053-1858
Chapter in book
BELLAMY, C.A., 2009. Managing ICTs in public sector organizations. In: T. BOVAIRD and E. LÖFFLER, eds., Public management and governance. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 135-150. ISBN 415430429
BELLAMY, C.A., RAAB, C.D. and 6, P., 2007. The use of personal data in the public sector. In: S. LACE, ed., The glass consumer. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 133-154.
BELLAMY, C.A., 2004. UK National report. In: J. MILLARD, J.S. IVERSEN and H. KUBICEK, eds., The reorganisation of Government back offices for better electronic public services - final report to the European Commission of the European Good Practices Back-Office Reorganisation Project. Brussels: European Commission of the European Good Practices Back-Office Reorganisation Project.
BELLAMY, C.A., 2004. United Kingdom: citizen registration for higher education: the University and Colleges Admissions Service. In: J. MILLARD, J.S. IVERSEN and H. KUBICEK, eds., The reorganisation of government back offices for better electronic public services - European good practices (back-office reorganisation): final report to the European Commission. Brussels: European Commission of the European Good Practices Back-Office Reorganisation Project.
BELLAMY, C.A., 6, P. and RAAB, C.D., 2004. The use of personal data by public services. In: S. LACEY, ed., Using consumer data. National Consumer Council.
Conference contribution
BELLAMY, C.A., 6, P., RAAB, C.D., WARREN, A. and HEENEY, C., 2005. Data sharing and personal privacy in contemporary public services: the social dynamics of ethical decision-making. In: EGPA Conference 2005: Work Group on Administrative Ethics, Berne, Switzerland, 2005, Berne, Switzerland.
Confidential report for external body
HENN, M. and BELLAMY, C.A., 2001. The evaluation of the Whitehall Programme, confidential report to the Research Programmes Board of the Economic and Social Research Council (Consultancy Report). Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council.
Research report for external body
BELLAMY, C.A. and HENN, M.C., 2001. The evaluation of the Whitehall Programme (Consultancy report). UNSPECIFIED.