Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2005

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Number of items: 163.


ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2005. Rehabilitation of historical buildings: evaluation of policies and project outcomes in the Middle East, case of Egypt. In: C.A. BREBBIA, ed., Structural studies, repairs and maintenance of heritage architecture. IX. WIT transactions on the built environment (83). Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 421-431. ISBN 9781845640217

ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2005. Investment performance within urban regeneration locations. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 23 (1), pp. 7-21.

ADAMS, D., WATKINS, C. and WHITE, M., 2005. Planning, public policy and property markets. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 140512430X

AHSAN, S., EL-HAMALAWI, A., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and AHMAD, S., 2005. Using voice over IP and a wireless network to aid collaboration in the construction industry. In: Proceedings of CIB-W78, Dresden.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R., ZORRIASSATINE, F., JACKSON, M.R. and COY, J., 2005. Novelty detection for practical pattern recognition in condition monitoring of multivariate processes: a case study. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25, pp. 954-963. ISSN 0268-3768

AL-HABAIBEH, A. and PARKIN, R.M., 2005. An evaluation of a heat transfer process using sensor fusion of thermocouples and infrared thermography. In: Proceedings of the international conference on condition monitoring systems 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 229-233. ISBN 0190189182

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M., OTHMAN, F.M. and ALBAR, O., 2005. Intelligent buildings using integrated and autonomous condition monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the international conference on condition monitoring systems 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0190189182

AL-HABAIBEH, A., ZORRIASSATINE, F., PARKIN, R.M. and JACKSON, M.R., 2005. Application of infrared technology for quality control of diesel engine glow plugs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 219 (6), pp. 483-489. ISSN 0954-4054

ALLIN, S. and STEINEBACH, G., 2005. Dynamisierung von Plan- und Beteiligungsverfahren durch moderne Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme: am Beispiel des Portals FNPinform. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning (CORP) 2005, Vienna.

ALLISON, D., MEDJDOUB, B. and WILSON, R., 2005. Application of aerial thermal infrared thermography for energy conservation in the built environment. In: PLEA Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, 13-16 November 2005.

ALLISON, D., MEDJDOUB, B. and WILSON, R., 2005. Toward quantitative aerial thermal infrared thermography for energy conservation in the built environment. In: G.R. PEACOCK, D.D. BURLEIGH and J.J. MILES, eds., Thermosense XXVII. Proceedings of SPIE (5782). SPIE, pp. 133-144. ISBN 9780819457677

ANUMBA, C.J., RUIKAR, D., AZIZ, Z., CARRILLO, P.M. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Semantic web and wireless services for construction collaboration. In: Proceedings ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun.

ARIVAZHAGAN, A., MEHTA, N.K. and JAIN, P.K., 2005. Determination of machinable volume for finish cuts in CAPP. The International Journal of INGENIUM, 3, pp. 145-152. ISSN 1363-514X

ARTHUR, L., 2005. Packaging a critical debate. Grapevine, 21 (7), p. 16.

ASHFORTH-FROST, S., CHEONG, B.C.Y., IRELAND, P.T. and LING, J.C.P.W., 2005. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of an impinging jet in crossflow at low nozzle-to-plate spacings. In: Proceedings ASME turbo expo 2005 power for land, sea and air. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 601-618. ISBN 0791847268

ASIMAKOPOULOU, E., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Studies of emergency management procedures in Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom. In: Proceedings Construction in the Twenty First Century International Conference (CITC-III), Greece.

AZIZ, Z., ANUMBA, C.J., RUIKAR, D., CARRILLO, P.M. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Context aware information delivery for on-site construction operations. In: Proceedings 22nd CIB W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction, Dresden.


BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Bahla Fort and Oasis world heritage site management plan [vols 1-4 and executive summary]. Paris: UNESCO & Muscat: Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Government of Oman.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Diversity in unity: an analysis of settlement structure of Harat al-'Aqr, Nizwa (Oman). In: Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian studies. London: International Association for the Study of Arabia, pp. 19-36. ISBN 2503506321

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Manah: a gift of God, the architecture of a deserted Omani settlement. Curator of an exhibition held at the Arabian Arts Festival at the University of Liverpool, 2006. .

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Manah: a gift of God, the architecture of a deserted Omani settlement. Curator of an exhibition held at the BEST International Conference, Muscat, Oman, 2 June 2005. .

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Muscat development plan: approach and scope. Muscat: Muscat Palace Office, Government of Oman.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Problematic aspect of synthesis and interpretation in the study of traditional Omani built environment. In: T. SHAKUR, ed., Cities in transition: transforming the global built environment. Altrincham: Open House Press, pp. 15-30. ISBN 0954446313

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. The core settlements of central Oman: Nizwa, Bahla and Manah [keynote presentation]. In: Built Environments for Sustainable Tourism: Enhancing the Environment, Cultural Diversity, and Destination Image, UNESCO/WTO/Government of Oman, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, February 2005, Muscat.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. The deconstructed courtyard: dwellings of Central Oman. In: B. EDWARDS, ed., Courtyard housing: past, present and future. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, pp. 109-121. ISBN 0415262720

BI, G. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2005. Hybrid approach to solve space planning problems. In: Eighth International Conference on The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, Rome, Italy, 30 August - 2 September 2005.

BILLING, J. and CORDINGLEY, T., 2005. 3AD appliance bazaar - critical product designs. Third International Conference on Appliance Design, HP Laboratories, Bristol, 28-30 June, 2005. .

BILLING, J. and CORDINGLEY, T., 2005. Some kind of analogtivity: anti-simulation through design. In: 3AD Third International Conference on Appliance Design 2005. The Appliance Design Network, pp. 44-47. ISBN 0954746015

BLISMAS, N.G., GIBB, A.G.F. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Assessing project suitability for offsite production. The Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 5 (1), pp. 9-15. ISSN 1445-2634

BLISMAS, N.G., PENDLEBURY, M.C., GIBB, A.G.F. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Constraints to the use of offsite production on construction projects. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Design Management, 13, pp. 153-162. ISSN 1745-2007

BOUCHLAGHEM, D., SHANG, H., WHYTE, J. and GANAH, A., 2005. Visualisation in architecture, engineering and construction. Automation in Construction, 14 (3), pp. 287-295.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., HOMES, M., LOVEDAY, D. and BENNADJI, A., 2005. The engineering dimension of nD modelling. ITcon, 10, pp. 17-25.

BRANDT, S., 2005. Digestive systems: rubbish and architecture (a thought). In: eme3, 3rd International Architecture Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 October 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

BRANDT, S., 2005. Movement matters: communication, identification and representation in architecture. In: Making Use of Culture; the Inaugural Conference of the Cultural Theory Institute, Manchester, 21-23 January 2005, Manchester.

BREACH, M., 2005. The 'Great Race' to the South Pole. Geomatics World, 13 (5), pp. 34-35.

BREACH, M., 2005. Review of plane and geodetic surveying - the management of control networks, by A. Johnson. Survey Review, 38 (298), pp. 344-345.

BROCKLEHURST, D., PALMER, G., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., PITFIELD, D.E. and STILL, K., 2005. Crowd circulation and stadium design; low flow rate systems. ICE Structure and Buildings Journal, 158 (5), pp. 281-289. ISSN 0965-0911


CARRILLO, P., ROBINSON, H.S., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. A knowledge transfer framework: the construction context. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management, Dubai.

CASAMAYOR, J., 2005. [Exhibition]. XII Naples Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, 2005.

CASAMAYOR, J., 2005. Spanish passion. Valencia, Spain, 2005.

CHILTON, J.C. and VELASCO, R., 2005. Application of textile composites in the construction industry. In: A. LONG, ed., Design and manufacture of textile composites. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 424-435. ISBN 1855737442

COLLINS, P.R. and HOOKER, J., 2005. Green roofing holds high potential. Public Sector Review. ISSN 1749-5784

COOPER, T., 2005. Challenging our throwaway culture. In: Waste Reduction: Minimising Rubbish Through Design and Resource Use, Recycle North Conference, Bradford, July 2005, Bradford.

COOPER, T., 2005. Slower consumption: reflections on product life cycles and the "throwaway society". Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9 (12), pp. 51-67. ISSN 1088-1980

COOPER, T. and CHRISTER, K., 2005. The long search: looking for longer lasting products. In: 10th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Antwerp, Belgium, October 2005, Antwerp.

COURT, P., PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and BOWER, D., 2005. Lean as and antidote to labour cost escalation on complex mechanical and electrical projects. In: R. KENLEY, ed., Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 3-11. ISBN 1877040347


DARKWA, J. and KIM, J.S., 2005. Thermal analysis of composite phase drywall systems. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 127, pp. 1-5. ISSN 0199-6231

DARKWA, K., 2005. Evaluation of non-grid AC/DC combined heat and power (CHP) system for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector. In: 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy, May 2004, Rome, Italy.

DARKWA, K., 2005. Mathematical modelling and simulation of phase change drywalls for heating application in a passive solar building. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, USA.

DARKWA, K., 2005. Modelling of an agitated fluidised bed thermochemical energy storage system. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Providence, USA.

DARKWA, K. and KIM, J.S., 2005. Dynamics of energy storage in phase change drywall systems. International Journal of Energy Research, 29 (4), pp. 335-343. ISSN 0363-907X

DARKWA, K. and KIM, J.S., 2005. Thermal analysis of composite phase change drywall systems. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme, 127 (3), pp. 352-356. ISSN 0199-6231

DE, S., 2005. Limitations of a soil water budgeting method in estimating groundwater recharge with particular reference to the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 30 (2), pp. 99-113.

DEL PALACIO, P., OTEIZA, M. and PASTOR, M., 2005. Del Palacio. Vigo: Fundacion Caixanova.


ECCLES, T., 2005. Financial statements & corporate accounts: the conceptual framework. Property Management, 23 (5), pp. 374-387.

ECCLES, T., 2005. Revenue recognition and real estate companies: a preliminary analysis. Briefings in Real Estate Finance, 4 (3), pp. 245-270.

ERDOGAN, B., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and NIELSON, Y., 2005. Change management in construction: the current context. In: Proceedings 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM_, London.


FEWKES, A., 2005. The technology, design and utility of rainwater catchment systems: a literature review. In: D. BUTLER and F.A. MEMON, eds., Water demand management. London: IWA Publishing. ISBN 1843390787


GANAH, A., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and ANUMBA, C.J., 2005. VISCON: computer visualisation support for constructability. ITcon, 10, pp. 69-83.

GARMA, M., 2005. BH/Broissin y Hernandez de la Garza. ATK Monografico, 2 (11), pp. 10-14.

GARMA, M., 2005. Cycles. ATK Monografico, 2 (11), p. 19.

GESEY, M., GLASS, J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and MURRAY, M., 2005. Innovation models and the construction industry. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Rotterdam.

GOODHEW, S. and GRIFFITHS, R., 2005. Sustainable earth walls to meet the building regulations. Energy and Buildings, 37 (5), pp. 451-459.

GOODHEW, S., GRIFFITHS, R. and MORGAN, C., 2005. Investigation into the variations of moisture content of two buildings constructed with light earth walls. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 11 (4), pp. 147-156.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2005. Development of a low cost flood barrier. 509477.6.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2005. Site and ground investigation. In: R.C. SELLEY, L.R.M. COCKS and I.R. PILMER, eds., Encyclopaedia of geology. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 580-594.


HOXLEY, M., 2005. A longitudinal study of competitive fee tendering and the service quality of the UK's built environment profession. In: Proceedings of the Queensland University of Technology Research Week International Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

HU, J., 2005. Computational modelling of hardness and soft impresser testing of materials. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


JACKSON, C. and WHITE, M., 2005. Challenging traditional real estate market classifications for investment diversification. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 11 (3), pp. 307-322.

JACKSON, C. and WHITE, M., 2005. Inflation and rental change in industrial property: a multi-level analysis. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 23 (4), pp. 342-363.

JAYNE, M., 2005. The merit of sandwich degrees in comparison with post graduate conversion courses: the future for graduate and post graduate entry routes. In: 1st European Real Estate Society Education Conference, Alicante, Spain, 2005.

JIANG, H., XIA, Y., SU, D. and BELOUKOF, A.E., 2005. Analysis of infiltrative characteristics of deformable porous metal rubber material and parameters identification. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 18 (4), pp. 562-565. ISSN 1000-9345

JOHNSON, P., 2005. Hanitise door handle system. [For Germblock Ltd.]. Germblock Instant Hygiene.


KASHYAP, M., ANUMBA, C.J. and EGBU, C.O., 2005. Decision support for avoiding structural collapses on refurbishment projects. In: Construction Information Quarterly, Cancun, Mexico.

KASHYAP, M., ANUMBA, C.J. and EGBU, C.O., 2005. Towards a decision support system for health and safety management in refurbishment projects. In: 4th Triennial International Conference, Rethinking and Revitalizing Construction Safety, Health, Environment and Quality, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 17-20 May 2005, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

KETTLEY, S., 2005. Crafts praxis as a design resource. In: 5th Engineering, Product Design in Education Conference, Edinburgh, September 2005, Edinburgh.

KETTLEY, S., 2005. Crafts praxis for critical wearables design. In: Wearable Futures Conference, University of Wales, Newport, September 2005, Newport.

KETTLEY, S., 2005. Multivalency and socially performative meaning making [position paper]. In: Understanding and Designing for Aesthetic Experience Workshop, HCI UK Conference, Edinburgh September 2005, Edinburgh.

KINGS, S., 2005. The effectiveness of current pricing documentation from the perspective of the contractors' estimator. In: K. SULLIVAN and D.T. KASHIWAGI, eds., Construction Procurement, Proceedings of the CIB W92/T23/W107. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1889857297

KOSEOGLU, O.O., ERDOGAN, B., NIELSON, Y., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Visual information transfer using mobile IT solutions. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome.


LOVE, K., PRITCHARD, C., MAGUIRE, K. and MCCARTHY, A., 2005. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to health impact assessment: an analysis of the political and philosophical milieu of the multi-method approach. Critical Public Health, 15 (3), pp. 275-289.


MANSFIELD, J.R., 2005. What is the future for the ecclesiastical exemption? In: The International Conference on Conservation Management in the Built Environment, London, UK, 6-8 September 2005, London.

MCLEAN, S.N. and MOORE, D.R., 2005. A mitigation strategy for the natural disaster of poverty in Bangladesh. , pp. 223-232. ISSN 0965-3562

MCLEAN, S.N. and MOORE, D.R., 2005. A sustainable approach to generating new opportunities for wealth generation & shelter improvement in Bangladesh. In: World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC2005), Aberdeen, Scotland, 22-27 May 2005, Aberdeen, Scotland.

MODEEM, T., SOAR, R.C. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Design ground - an iconic tactile surface. In: Proceedings of ACADIA. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 192-199. ISBN 977283208

MODEEM, T., SOAR, R.C. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Ubiquitous customization - the use of rapid manufacturing in design and architecture. In: Proceedings of ARCOM 05 Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 341-351. ISBN 902896938

MOHAMMAD, F.A., COLLOP, A.C. and BROWN, S.F., 2005. Effects of surface cracking on responses in flexible pavements. Transport, 158 (2), pp. 127-134.

MORLEDGE, R., 2005. The effectiveness of current pricing documentation from the perspective of the contractors' estimator. In: K. SULLIVAN and D.T. KASHIWAGI, eds., Construction Procurement, Proceedings of the CIB W92/T23/W107 International Symposium on Procurement Systems. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 609-616. ISBN 1889857297

MORLEDGE, R. and ADNAN, H., 2005. The importance of trust to the success of joint venture projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11 (2), pp. 154-165. ISSN 1358-9180

MORLEDGE, R. and KNIGHT, A., 2005. Professionalism and ethical decision making. In: A.C. SIDWELL, ed., QUT Research Week 2005, The Queensland University of Technology Research Week International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 4-5-July 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 79-86. ISBN 1741071011


NORRIS, J.E., 2005. Root anchorage by oak (Quercus sp.) and hawthorn and (Crataegus Monogyna) trees on a London clay motorway cutting in England. Plant and Soil, 278, pp. 43-53. ISSN 0032-079X

NORRIS, J.E., 2005. Root mechanics applied to slope stability. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


OTHMAN, A.A.E., HASSAN, T.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Analysis of factors that drive brief development in construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 12, pp. 69-87. ISSN 1365-232X

OTHMAN, A.A.E., HASSAN, T.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Brief development originators, value and risk sources to the project from the client's perspective. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Postgraduate Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 44-54. ISBN 902896725

OTHMAN, A.A.E., HASSAN, T.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2005. Dynamic brief development for better construction briefing. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Postgraduate Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 55-65. ISBN 902896725


PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and BLISMAS, N.G., 2005. What should you really measure if you want to compare prefabrication with traditional construction? In: 13th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Sidney, July 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 481-492. ISBN 1877040347

PEPIN, M., 2005. Spaces of identity: shelter and conflict resolution (human identity and design). In: Third International Conference on Arts and Humanities, USA, 13-16 January 2005, USA.

PEPIN, M., 2005. Who am I? The question of identity in a changing global context. In: KBU International College, School of Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

PEPIN, M., 2005. The architectural design and global difference: shelter and identity. In: International Conference on Globalisation and Representation, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, School of Historical and Critical Studies, University of Brighton, UK, March 2005, University of Brighton, UK.

POON, J., 2005. Costing guidance for research proposals. Edge Hill University.

POON, J., 2005. Cross-cultural comparison of construction managers' view on professional ethics. In: 9th Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network - UK Association (EBEN-UK) & 7th Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of London, Surrey, 31 March-1 April 2005, Surrey.

POON, J., 2005. Cross-cultural comparison of construction professionals' view on professional ethics. In: 9th Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network - UK Association (EBEN-UK) & 7th Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of London, Surrey, 31 March-1 April 2005, Surrey.

POON, J., 2005. Increasing professionalism of higher education managers and administrators. In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Pontypridd.

POON, J., 2005. Research cultural audit of higher education institution. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference, Royal George Hotel, Perth, Scotland, 24-26 November, 2005, Perth.

POON, J., 2005. Review of Peters, A.D. 'Winning research funding'. R & D Management, 35 (3), pp. 349-350.

POSNANSKY, M., REID, A. and ASHLEY, C., 2005. Archaeology on Lolui Island, Uganda 1964–5. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 40 (1), pp. 73-100. ISSN 0067-270X

PRITCHARD, C., 2005. Skin cancer prevention in the house building industry. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


QUATTRONE, G., 2005. Il ruolo della partecipazione nella progettazione dei luoghi per la conoscenza delle culture indigene. Il National Museum of the American Indian a Washington, D.C. Il Progetto dell'Abitare, 4, pp. 90-93. ISSN 1724-7470

QUATTRONE, G., 2005. Il ruolo sociale del progettista in relazione a contesto, tecniche, comunità. In: C. NAVA, ed., Le trasformazioni dell'abitare: progetto, ambiente e responsabilità. Reggio Calabria: Falzea Editore, pp. 50-52.

QUATTRONE, G., 2005. Partecipazione e progetto locale nelle esperienze di Rural Studio. In: C. PAOLELLA, C. NAVA and O. CURIA, eds., Partecipare i processi: progettare l'architettura, nell'ambiente e per la comunità. Reggio Calabria: Falzea Editore, pp. 68-70.

QUATTRONE, G., 2005. Progettare con e per gli Aborigeni d'Australia. Due esperienze a confronto. Il Progetto dell'Abitare, 3, pp. 42-47. ISSN 1724-7470

QUEK, R., 2005. Architecture and the direction of knowledge. South African Journal of Art History, 20 (1), pp. 194-203. ISSN 0258 3542

QUEK, R., 2005. The prickled and decorated surface: the tattoo and modern architecture. South African Journal of Art History, 20 (1), pp. 204-213. ISSN 0258 3542

QUEK, R. and KONG, T., 2005. Speculum - digital distension in a reflexive design studio [trigger paper]. In: Studio Culture 3 - The Inclusive Studio, Royal College of Art, London, 22-23 November 2005, London.


RAHMAN, M.M., AIREY, G.D. and COLLOP, A.C., 2005. The mechanical properties of the dry process CRM asphalt mixtures following short-term and long-term ageing. In: Seventh International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Trondheim, Norway, 2005, Trondheim.

REDGATE, J., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and PARKIN, R.M., 2005. The design of enhanced condition monitoring systems using a novel sensor positioning and signal conditioning approach. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences. ASME, pp. 661-668. ISBN 0791847381

REN, X.J., HOOPER, R.M. and HENSHALL, J.L., 2005. Indentation creep in zirconia ceramics under variable loads. High-Performance Ceramics Iii, Pts 1 and 2, 280283, pp. 1009-1012. ISSN 1013-9826

RODRIGUEZ, C., WILSON, R. and CHILTON, J.C., 2005. Potential application of the swivel diaphragm mechanism within a kinetic canopy. In: Simposio Latinoamericano de Tenso Estructuras, Venezuela, 2005 [conference proceeding], Venezuela.

RUIKAR, D., ANUMBA, C.J., AZIZ, Z., CARRILLO, P.M. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Ontology development for semantic web based services in construction. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome.

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2005. Dreams at the edge. In: International Conference on Researching Drama and Theatre in Education - Drama as Social Intervention, Exeter University, Exeter, 12 - 16 April, 2005, Exeter.

RUTHERFORD, S., 2005. A system for monitoring the use of an anti-bacterial alcohol gel dispenser for the healthcare and food industries [device].


SALVATIERRA-GARRIDO, J., PASQUIRE, C.L. and THORPE, A., 2005. [Paper]. In: 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management, London, 8 September 2005, London.

SARGENT, P.T.H., 2005. New technology benefits the East Midlands. Geomatics World: the Geomatics Journal for Land, Engineering and Hydrographic Survey, 13 (3), p. 42.

SARGENT, P.T.H., 2005. Workshop paper on quality. In: Foundation Degree Forward conference, Leicester, UK, 20 November 2003, Leicester.

SHANG, H., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., MILES, J., CEN, M. and TAYLOR, M., 2005. An intelligent risk assessment system for distributed construction teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 12 (4), pp. 391-409. ISSN 0969-9988

SHELBOURN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., KOSEOGLU, O. and ERDOGAN, B., 2005. Collaborative working and its effects on the AEC organisation. In: Dare to think outside the box, push the envelope, and present the future in computing in civil engineering.

SHELBOURN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J. and CARRILLO, P.M., 2005. Planning and implementation of effective collaboration within construction: analysis and synthesis of literature, technical report. Loughborough University.

SHELBOURN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J. and CARRILLO, P.M., 2005. Planning and implementation of effective collaboration within construction: requirements capture report - needs for the PIECC project, technical report. Loughborough University.

SHELBOURN, M.A., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., KOSEOGLU, O.O. and ERDOGAN, B., 2005. Collaborative working and its effects on the AEC organisation. In: Proceedings ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun.

SHEN, Q., LIN, G., KELLY, J. and SUN, M., 2005. Measuring the processes and outcomes of value management studies in construction. In: 7th International Value Conference 2005: Why Re-Invent the Wheel?, Hong Kong, 2-3 June 2005. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Value Management, pp. 110-114. ISBN 9781627481687

SMALLEY, I.J., KUMAR, R., O'HARA-DHAND, K.A., JEFFERSON, I. and EVANS, R.D., 2005. The formation of silt material for terrestrial sediments: particularly loess and dust. Sedimentary Geology, 179, pp. 321-328. ISSN 0037-0738

SOLOMONIDES, I.P. and MARTIN, P., 2005. Concepts of engagement within student experiences. In: The Challenge of Student Engagement, Higher Education Authority, York, UK, 16 December 2005, York, UK.

SOUTO, A., 2005. España y su imagen en las Exposiciones Universales (1851-1929). In: R. ARCHER, V. ASTVALDSSON and S. BOYD, eds., Antes y después del Quijote: en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda. València: Biblioteca Valenciana, pp. 747-756.

SU, D., 2005. Web-based collaborative design and manufacture: literature review, research and development. Nottingham: EU Asia IT&C- WECIDM. ISBN 1842331140

SU, D., 2005. Web/Internet supported collaborative design and maufacture. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design, Coventry, UK, 24-26 May 2005, Coventry.

SU, D. and JI, S., 2005. A heterogeneous collaborative design environment with dynamic management features. In: Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Work in Design, Coventry.

SU, D. and LI, J., 2005. Remote execution of large size programs. In: Web-based collaborative design and manufacture: literature review, research and development. Nottingham: EU Asia IT&C- WECIDM, pp. 102-117. ISBN 1842331140

SU, D. and LI, J., 2005. Web-enabled collaborative environment. In: Web-based collaborative design and manufacture: literature review, research and development. Nottingham: EU Asia IT&C- WECIDM, pp. 1-28. ISBN 1842331140

SU, D., LI, J. and JI, S., 2005. Online collaborative design within a Web-enabled environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3168, pp. 211-220. ISSN 0302-9743

SU, D., LI, J. and JI, S., 2005. Online collaborative design within a Web-enabled environment. In: W. SHEN, ed., Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design: 8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Xiamen, China, May 26-28, 2004, Revised selected papers.Papers: v. 1 (Lecture notes in computer science). Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. K, pp. 211-220. ISBN 3540294007

SU, D., LI, J., XIONG, Y. and ZHENG, Y., 2005. Application of Internet techniques into online collaborative design and manufacture. In: Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Work in Design, Coventry, UK.

SU, D. and PENG, W., 2005. 3D simulation and infinite element analysis of an involute cylindrical worm and helical gear drive. In: 19th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE2005), Melbourne, Australia, 21-23 November 2005.

SU, D. and XIONG, Y., 2005. Resources packing to fit grid infrastructure. In: International e-Conference on Computer Sciences, 29-31 May 2005.


TAN, H.C., CARRILLO, P.M., ANUMBA, C.J., KAMARA, J.M., UDEAJA, C.E. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2005. Towards a methodology for live capture and re-use of project knowledge in construction. In: Proceedings International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management.

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