Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 1985
BARNES, P., 1985. Building a better future together. .
BARNES, P., 1985. Building societies - stronger material needed for new act. .
BARNES, P., 1985. Investor protection - a finger in the dyke. .
BARNES, P., 1985. Raper - a rough ride for regulators. .
BARNES, P., 1985. UK building societies - a study of the gains from merger. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 12 (1), pp. 75-91. ISSN 0306-686X
FRENCH, R.D., 1985. The development and structuring of personnel departments in Britain and West Germany. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
HENDERSON-SELLERS, A., WILSON, M.F. and THOMAS, G., 1985. The effect of spatial resolution on archives of land cover type. Climatic Change, 7 (4), pp. 391-402. ISSN 1573-1480
JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. Business education: knowledge and relevance. Business Education, 6 (2), pp. 10-17.
JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. The challenge of communication. Industrial Society, 67, pp. 12-15.
JOYCE, P., WOODS, A. and HAYES, M., 1985. The corporate response to YTS - part 2: empirical research in the South East of England. Journal of European Industrial Training, 9 (4), pp. 3-8.
LEDWITH, S., HAYES, M., JOYCE, P. and GULATI, A., 1985. Women in SOGAT: report of a research project into the role of women in the union carried out by an independent research team from the Polytechnic of North London. Hadleigh: SOGAT '82.
SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Ethnography and experiment in the interpretation of quartz artifact assemblages from Namibia: an optimistic attempt. Lithic Technology, 14 (2), pp. 95-98.
SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Palaeolithic archaeology in the Mongolian People's Republic; a report on the state of the art. In: Proceeedings of the Prehistoric Society.
SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Palaeolithic archaeology of the Central Namib Desert. Windhoek, Namibia: State Museum.
SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Using environmental archaeology. London: Batsford.
SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Xhing-xhais; an early Holocene stoneworking site from the central Namib Desert. Medoqua, 13 (4), pp. 271-279.
SHACKLEY, M., KOMURA, K., HAYESHI, T., IKEYA, M., MATSU'URA, S. and UETA, N., 1985. Chronometric dating of bone from Namib IV Acheulean site, south west Africa/Namibia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1, pp. 6-12.