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CHING, J., 2021. Response to Costs Lawyer Standards Board consultation Costs Lawyer competency statement. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
ILIEVA, J., TSILIGKIRIS, V. and KILLINGLEY, P., 2021. British Council going global partnerships: baseline study. London: British Council.
MURPHY, P., 2021. Review and recommendations on the revised constitution for Nottingham City Council. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.
MURPHY, P. and DE MOTTE, C., 2021. Mansfield First Steps project: independent evaluation. 2nd Interim report: stage 1 & 2: 1st June 2020 – 30th November 2020. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.
WARD, S., 2021. Secretary of State standards for modern zoo practice. UNSPECIFIED.