When do leaders grant voice? How leaders' perceptions of followers' control and belongingness needs affect the enactment of fair procedures

Hoogervorst, N., De Cremer, D. and Van Dijke, M. ORCID: 0000-0001-9974-5050, 2013. When do leaders grant voice? How leaders' perceptions of followers' control and belongingness needs affect the enactment of fair procedures. Human Relations, 66 (7), pp. 973-992. ISSN 0018-7267

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Theories that explain employees’ positive emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses to fair procedures rely on control and relational processes. In the present study, we build on these models but reverse this perspective to examine when leaders provide voice opportunities in their interactions with employees. We argued that leaders may take care of employees’ perceived individual control needs (which influence their own outcomes) by granting them with voice. However, this will be the case particularly when leader perceive that this employee also wants to belong to the organization, because this makes it more likely that employees will use their voice in a way that does not hurt the organization’s interest. Support for this predicted interaction effect was found in a laboratory experiment and a multisource field study. This research is among the first to identify factors that influence whether leaders will be more likely to act fairly, thus integrating procedural justice processes in the leadership literature.

Item Type: Journal article
Alternative Title: Follower needs and leader voice enactment [running head]
Publication Title: Human Relations
Creators: Hoogervorst, N., De Cremer, D. and Van Dijke, M.
Publisher: Sage
Date: 2013
Volume: 66
Number: 7
ISSN: 0018-7267
Divisions: Schools > Nottingham Business School
Record created by: EPrints Services
Date Added: 09 Oct 2015 10:39
Last Modified: 09 Jun 2017 13:35
URI: https://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/16126

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