Clinical and ethical challenges in undertaking LIMPRINT in vulnerable populations

Moffatt, C.J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2436-0129, Sykorova, M., Aubeeluck, A., Franks, P.J., Pankhurst, S., Bussey, R., Whiston, S., Murray, S., Mercier, G., Quere, I. and Gordon, S., 2019. Clinical and ethical challenges in undertaking LIMPRINT in vulnerable populations. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 17 (2), pp. 155-162. ISSN 1539-6851

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Background and study objective: To estimate the prevalence of CO and wounds within two vulnerable populations a male, high security prison in the East Midlands (UK) and residential and nursing homes in the UK and Australia.

Methods and results: Methods for screening for chronic oedema (CO) and wounds were adapted from the main LIMPRINT methodology. Prison population. In total, 195 inmates were recruited with 22(11%) having CO. While the majority were white Caucasian (156 / 83.4%) a further 20 (10.7%) were dark skinned with 11 (5.95%) from other minority populations. Co-morbidities included 123 (63%) smokers, 22 (11%) alcohol dependant, 60 (31%) with mental health problems and 35 (18%) a history of self- harm. Only three had a current wound with 30 (16%) having had a traumatic stab wound.

Residential and nursing homes (UK and Australia): In the UK, the total population available for inclusion was 189 with only 137(73%) recruited. Seventy two of the 137 (52%) suffered from CO and a further 16 (23%) had a history of cellulitis. Results from the Australian residential care facilities have been published in full. In summary, of the 37 participants 20 (54%) experienced CO with 25 (68%) having co-morbidities and 11 (30%) having a concurrent wound.

Conclusion: Obtaining an accurate picture of the prevalence and impact of CO in vulnerable populations is extremely challenging due issues of access and consent. Lack of reliable data for these populations will contribute to poor service provision.

Item Type: Journal article
Publication Title: Lymphatic Research and Biology
Creators: Moffatt, C.J., Sykorova, M., Aubeeluck, A., Franks, P.J., Pankhurst, S., Bussey, R., Whiston, S., Murray, S., Mercier, G., Quere, I. and Gordon, S.
Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert
Date: 22 April 2019
Volume: 17
Number: 2
ISSN: 1539-6851
Rights: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Divisions: Schools > School of Social Sciences
Record created by: Jonathan Gallacher
Date Added: 20 Mar 2019 16:42
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2022 13:55

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