Taxonomic and genetic studies of Bacillus thermophiles

Sharp, R.J., 1982. Taxonomic and genetic studies of Bacillus thermophiles. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

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Gibson and Gordon (1974) in the 8th edition of Bergey's manual considered all obligate thermophilic strains of Bacillus belonged to one species, B. stearothermophilus. In this study the biochemical and physiological data from over 100 strains of thermophilic Bacillus was examined by numerical taxonomy. The strains were divided into a total of ten groups, seven of which contained obligately thermophilic strains. The results show general similarity to those reported by Walker and Wolf (1971) and Klaushofer and Hollaus (1970), but also display some significant differences. The three strains, B. caldotenax, B. caldovelox and B. caldolyticus reported by Heinen and Heinen (1972), do not appear to merit the rank of species, and closely resemble the earlier isolate of B. kaustophilus (Prickett, 1928). A new group of thermophilic Bacillus was; identified in this study and were tentatively assigned the name B. thermotyrovorans. The taxonomic groups established following single linkage analysis were supported by data from bacteriocin typing, pyrolysis mass spectrometry and mole % G+C. The mole % G+C of a number of strains previously considered to be B. stearothermophilus were found to extend over a range of almost 30% and clearly could not be regarded as members of one species.

Thermophilic bacteriophages were isolated by various techniques including lysogenic induction. They were characterised by a number of techniques including, buoyant density estimations, restriction enzyme cleavage of the DNA and examination by electron microscopy. Phage JS 017, which was unusual in having a cylindrical shaped head, was able to cotransduce a methionine and thymine auxotroph of B. caldotenax. Transduction within obligately thermophilic strains of Bacillus has not previously been described.

Item Type: Thesis
Creators: Sharp, R.J.
Date: 1982
ISBN: 9781369315943
Divisions: Schools > School of Science and Technology
Record created by: Linda Sullivan
Date Added: 22 Sep 2020 14:59
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2023 10:38

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