Items where Author is "Boria, M"
BORIA, M., 2011. Sabina Guzzanti: from TV satire to political documentary. Studies in European Cinema, 8 (2), pp. 101-113.
BORIA, M., 2010. Declinazioni del comico nei racconti di Stefano Benni. Italian Studies in Southern Africa, 23 (2), pp. 82-116. ISSN 1012-2338
BORIA, M., 2009. Silenced humour on RAI TV: Daniele Luttazzi, Sabina Guzzanti, & Co. In: D. ALBERTAZZI and C. BROOK, eds., Resisting the tide: cultures of opposition during the Berlusconi years (2001-6). London: Continuum, pp. 97-109.
BORIA, M., 2009. Translating humour. The case of Stefano Benni. In: A. CHANTLER and C. DENTE, eds., Translation practices. Through language to culture. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 85-98.
BORIA, M., 2007. Il movimento del Settantasette e il fumetto. In: F. LEINEN and G. RINGS, eds., Bilderwelten, Textwelten - Comicwelten: Romanistische Begegnungen mit der 'neunten' Kunst. Munich: Meidenbauer, pp. 105-123.
BORIA, M. and RISSO, L., 2007. Laboratorio di nuova ricerca. Investigating gender, translation & culture in Italian studies. Leicester: Troubadour.
BORIA, M., 2006. I romanzi di Stefano Benni. In: E. TARANTINO and F. PELLEGRINI, eds., Il romanzo contemporaneo. Voci italiane. Leicester: Troubadour, pp. 43-58.
RISSO, L. and BORIA, M., 2006. Politics and culture in post-war Italy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
BORIA, M., 2005. Echoes of counterculture in Stefano Benni's humour. Romance Studies, 23 (1), pp. 29-42.
BORIA, M., 2004. TV parody and satire. The case of 'Quelli della notte'. Arachnofiles: A Journal of European Languages and Cultures, 3.
BORIA, M., 2003. Teaching language through literature. Tuttitalia, 27, pp. 3-10.