Items where Author is "Duncan, M"
Journal article
CUNNINGHAM, A.J., BAIKOUSI, V., EYRE, E., DUNCAN, M., CROTTI, M., MARTINS, R. and WOOD, C., 2025. A movement and story-telling intervention (MAST) improves language and fundamental movement skills and is feasible for delivery by teachers in the first year of school. Learning and Instruction. ISSN 0959-4752 (Forthcoming)
MARTINS, C., WEBSTER, E.K., ROMO‐PEREZ, V., DUNCAN, M., LEMOS, L.F., STAIANO, A., OKELY, A., MAGISTRO, D., CARLEVARO, F., BARDID, F., MAGNO, F., NOBRE, G., ESTEVAN, I., MOTA, J., NING, K., ROBINSON, L.E., LENOIR, M., QUAN, M., VALENTINI, N., DEHKORDI, P.S., CROSS, P., JONES, R., HENRIQUE, R.S., SALAMI, S., CHEN, S., DIAO, Y., BANDEIRA, P.R. and BARNETT, L.M., 2024. Sex differences in 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children's motor competence: a pooled cross‐sectional analysis of 6241 children. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (5): e14651. ISSN 0905-7188
MARTINS, C., ROMO-PEREZ, V., WEBSTER, E.K., DUNCAN, M., LEMOS, L.F., STAIANO, A.E., OKELY, A., MAGISTRO, D., CARLEVARO, F., BARDID, F., MAGNO, F., NOBRE, G., ESTEVAN, I., MOTA, J., NING, K., ROBINSON, L.E., LENOIR, M., QUAN, M., VALENTINI, N.C., CROSS, P., JONES, R., HENRIQUE, R., CHEN, S.-T., DIAO, Y., BANDEIRA, P.R. and BARNETT, L.M., 2023. Motor competence and body mass index in the preschool years: a pooled cross-sectional analysis of 5545 children from eight countries. Sports Medicine. ISSN 0112-1642
DUNCAN, M., CUNNINGHAM, A. and EYRE, E., 2019. A combined movement and story-telling intervention enhances motor competence and language ability in pre-schoolers to a greater extent than movement or story-telling alone. European Physical Education Review, 25 (1), pp. 221-235. ISSN 1356-336X
Research datasets and databases
CUNNINGHAM, A., WOOD, C., BAIKOUSI, V., DUNCAN, M., EYRE, E., CROTTI, M. and MARTINS, R., 2024. Feasibilty data for MAST (Movement and storytelling) trial. [Dataset]