Items where Author is "Finell, E"
Journal article
FINO, E., STEVENSON, C., MORRIS, S., FINELL, E., SHUTTLEWORTH, I. and BJARNASON, T., 2025. Personality and the 'social cure': the role of ego-resiliency in the social identity approach to health. Social Psychological and Personality Science. ISSN 1948-5506 (Forthcoming)
PAAJANEN, P., FINELL, E., RIIKONEN, R. and STEVENSON, C., 2023. ‘Hey, teach these kids to eat their own food!’: Institutional intergroup contact in immigrant mothers' talk. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. ISSN 1052-9284
SEPPÄLÄ, T., RIIKONEN, R., STEVENSON, C., PAAJANEN, P., REPO, K. and FINELL, E., 2022. Intragroup contact with other mothers living in the same neighborhood benefits mothers' life satisfaction: the mediating role of group identification and social support. Journal of Community Psychology. ISSN 0090-4392
RIIKONEN, R., FINELL, E., SUONINEN, E., PAAJENEN, P. and STEVENSON, C., 2022. Who is expected to make contact? Interpretative repertoires related to an intergroup encounter between Finnish majority mothers and immigrant mothers. British Journal of Social Psychology. ISSN 0144-6665
PAAJANEN, P., SEPPÄLÄ, T., STEVENSON, C. and FINELL, E., 2022. Child’s presence shapes immigrant women’s experiences of everyday intergroup contact. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10 (2), pp. 430-444. ISSN 2195-3325
BJARNASON, T., SHUTTLEWORTH, I., STEVENSON, C. and FINELL, E., 2022. Migration and partisan identification as British Unionists or Irish Nationalists in Northern Ireland. Acta Sociologica. ISSN 0001-6993 (Forthcoming)
PAAJANEN, P., SEPPÄLÄ, T., STEVENSON, C., RIIKONEN, R. and FINELL, E., 2022. Keeping apart on the playground: construction of informal segregation on public playgrounds in multiethnic neighborhoods. Social Psychology Quarterly. ISSN 0190-2725 (Forthcoming)
FINELL, E. and STEVENSON, C., 2022. Interpersonal bonds with fellow nationals, blind patriotism and preference for immigrants' acculturation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. ISSN 0036-5564
STEVENSON, C., SEPPÄLÄ, T., RIIKONEN, R., FINELL, E. and PAAJANEN, P., 2021. Development of first-time mothers' sense of shared identity and integration with other mothers in their neighbourhood. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. ISSN 1099-1298
SHUTTLEWORTH, I., FINELL, E., BJARNASON, T. and STEVENSON, C., 2021. Individual residential mobility, immobility, and political attitudes: the case of Brexit voting intentions in the 2016 UK EU Referendum. Population, Space and Place, 27 (4): e2444. ISSN 1544-8444
SHUTTLEWORTH, I., STEVENSON, C., BJARNASON, Þ. and FINELL, E., 2020. Geography, psychology and the 'Big Five' personality traits: who moves, and over what distances, in the United Kingdom? Population Space and Place: e2418. ISSN 1544-8444