Items where Author is "Hughes, DC"

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Number of items: 30.

Journal article

MCAULEY, A.B.T., BAKER, J., JOHNSTON, K., VARLEY, I., HERBERT, A.J., SURACI, B., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G. and KELLY, A.L., 2024. Talent inclusion: an imperfect solution to genetic testing in sport - response to commentaries. Current Issues in Sport Science, 9 (1): 002. ISSN 2414-6641

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., BRADLEY, B., BAKER, J., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2024. Genetic associations with acceleration, change of direction, jump height, and speed in English academy football players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 38 (2), pp. 350-359. ISSN 1064-8011

MCAULEY, A.B.T., BAKER, J., JOHNSTON, K., VARLEY, I., HERBERT, A.J., SURACI, B., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G. and KELLY, A.L., 2023. Talent inclusion and genetic testing in sport: a practitioner’s guide. Current Issues in Sport Science, 8 (1): 008. ISSN 2414-6641

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., BAKER, J., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2022. Genetic variations between youth and professional development phase english academy football players. Genes, 13 (11): 2001. ISSN 2073-4425

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., ROOS, T.R., HERBERT, A.J., JACKSON, D.T. and KELLY, A.L., 2022. A systematic review of the genetic predisposition to injury in football. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. ISSN 2096-6709

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., BAKER, J., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2022. Genetic associations with personality and mental toughness profiles of English academy football players: an exploratory study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 61: 102209. ISSN 1469-0292

MCAULEY, A.B., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., BAKER, J., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2022. Genetic associations with technical capabilities in English academy football players: a preliminary study. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. ISSN 0022-4707

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., ROOS, T.R., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2021. Genetic testing in professional football: perspectives of key stakeholders. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. ISSN 2096-6709

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., ROOS, T.R., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2020. The association of the ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphisms with athlete status in football: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 0264-0414

MCAULEY, A.B.T., HUGHES, D.C., TSAPROUNI, L.G., VARLEY, I., SURACI, B., ROOS, T.R., HERBERT, A.J. and KELLY, A.L., 2020. Genetic association research in football: a systematic review. European Journal of Sport Science. ISSN 1746-1391

VARLEY, I., HUGHES, D.C., GREEVES, J.P., STELLINGWERFF, T., RANSON, C., FRASER, W.D. and SALE, C., 2018. The association of novel polymorphisms with stress fracture injury in elite athletes: further insights from the SFEA cohort. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21 (6), pp. 564-568. ISSN 1440-2440

VARLEY, I., HUGHES, D.C., GREEVES, J.P., FRASER, W.D. and SALE, C., 2018. SNPs in the vicinity of P2X7R, RANK/RANKL/OPG and Wnt signalling pathways and their association with bone phenotypes in academy footballers. Bone, 108, pp. 179-185. ISSN 8756-3282

VARLEY, I., GREEVES, J.P., SALE, C., FRIEDMAN, E., MORAN, D.S., YANOVICH, R., WILSON, P.J., GARTLAND, A., HUGHES, D.C., STELLINGWERFF, T., RANSON, C., FRASER, W.D. and GALLAGHER, J.A., 2016. Functional polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with stress fracture injury. Purinergic Signalling. ISSN 1573-9538

VARLEY, I., HUGHES, D.C., GREEVES, J.P., STELLINGWERFF, T., RANSON, C., FRASER, W.D. and SALE, C., 2015. RANK/RANKL/OPG pathway: genetic associations with stress fracture period prevalence in elite athletes. Bone, 71, pp. 131-136. ISSN 8756-3282

PHATAK, V.M., CROFT, S.M., RAMESHAIAH SETTY, S.G., SCARPELLINI, A., HUGHES, D.C., REES, R., MCARDLE, S. and VERDERIO, E.A.M., 2013. Expression of transglutaminase-2 isoforms in normal human tissues and cancer cell lines: dysregulation of alternative splicing in cancer. Amino Acids, 44 (1), pp. 33-44. ISSN 0939-4451

LAVERSIN, S.A.-S., PHATAK, V.M., POWE, D.G., LI, G., MILES, A.K., HUGHES, D.C., BALL, G.R., ELLIS, I.O., GRITZAPIS, A.D., MISSITZIS, I., MCARDLE, S.E.B. and REES, R.C., 2013. Identification of novel breast cancer-associated transcripts by uniGene database mining and gene expression analysis in normal and malignant cells. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 52 (3), pp. 316-329. ISSN 1098-2264

NEWTON, M.I., ATHERTON, S., MORRIS, R.H., STANLEY, S.M., EVANS, C.R., HUGHES, D.C. and MCHALE, G., 2010. Low-cost QCM sensor system for screening semen samples. Journal of Sensors, 2010.

NEWTON, M.I., EVANS, C.R., SIMONS, J.J. and HUGHES, D.C., 2007. Semen quality detection using time of flight and acoustic wave sensors. Applied Physics Letters, 90, pp. 1-2. ISSN 0003-6951

HUGHES, D.C., 2007. ZP genes in avian species illustrate the dynamic evolution of the vertebrate egg envelope. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 117, pp. 86-91. ISSN 1424-8581

CONNER, S.J., LEFIEVRE, L., HUGHES, D.C. and BARRATT, C.L.R., 2005. Cracking the egg: increased complexity in the zona pellucida. Human Reproduction, 20 (5), pp. 1148-1152. ISSN 0268-1161

SMITH, J., PATON, I.R., HUGHES, D.C. and BURT, D.W., 2005. Isolation and mapping the chicken zona pellucida genes: An insight into the evolution of orthologous genes in different species. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 70 (2), pp. 133-145. ISSN 1040-452X

LEFIEVRE, L., CONNER, S.J., SALPEKAR, A., OLUFOWOBI, O., ASHTON, P., PAVLOVIC, B., LENTON, W., AFNAN, M., BREWIS, I.A., MONK, M., HUGHES, D.C. and BARRATT, C.L.R., 2004. Four zona pellucida glycoproteins are expressed in the human. Human Reproduction, 19 (7), pp. 1580-1586. ISSN 0268-1161

DOVE, S.K., PIPER, R.C., MCEWEN, R.K., YU, J.W., KING, M.C., HUGHES, D.C., THURING, J., HOLMES, A.B., COOKE, F.T., MICHELL, R.H., PARKER, P.J. and LEMMON, M.A., 2004. Svp1p defines a family of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate effectors. EMBO Journal, 23 (9), pp. 1922-1933. ISSN 0261-4189

CONNER, S.J. and HUGHES, D.C., 2003. Analysis of fish ZP1/ZPB homologous genes - evidence for both genome duplication and species-specific amplification models of evolution. Reproduction, 126 (3), pp. 347-352. ISSN 1470-1626

DOVE, S.K., MCEWEN, R.K., MAYES, A., HUGHES, D.C., BEGGS, J.D. and MICHELL, R.H., 2002. Vac14 controls PtdIns(3,5)P-2 synthesis and Fab1-dependent protein trafficking to the multivesicular body. Current Biology, 12 (11), pp. 885-893. ISSN 0960-9822

HUGHES, D.C., 2001. Alternative splicing of the human VEGFGR-3/FLT4 gene as a consequence of an integrated human endogenous retrovirus. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 53 (2), pp. 77-79. ISSN 0022-2844

HUGHES, D.C., 2000. MIRs as agents of mammalian gene evolutions. Trends in Genetics, 16 (2), pp. 60-62. ISSN 0168-9525

HUGHES, D.C. and BARRATT, C.L.R., 1999. Identification of the true human orthologue of the mouse Zp1 gene: evidence for greater complexity in the mammalian zona pellucida? Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression, 1447, pp. 303-306. ISSN 0167-4781

Chapter in book

EVANS, C.R., ATHERTON, S., HUGHES, D.C., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2007. Assessing sperm motility using acoustic plate mode devices. In: Proccedings of the 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - jointly with the 21st European Frequency and Time Forum. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 4-5. ISBN 9.78E+12

Conference contribution

ATHERTON, S., EVANS, C.R., ROACH, P., HUGHES, D.C., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2009. Investigation of operating parameters for a semen quality analysis system. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Oporto, 2009.

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