Items where Author is "Karouta, F"
Journal article
CAMACHO-MORALES, R., ROCCO, D., XU, L., GILI, V.F., DIMITROV, N., STOYANOV, L., MA, Z., KOMAR, A., LYSEVYCH, M., KAROUTA, F., DREISCHUH, A.A., TAN, H.H.H., LEO, G., DE ANGELIS, C., JAGADISH, C., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., RAHMANI, M. and NESHEV, D.N., 2021. Infrared upconversion imaging in nonlinear metasurfaces. Advanced Photonics, 3 (3): 036002.
XU, L., SAERENS, G., TIMOFEEVA, M., SMIRNOVA, D.A., VOLKOVSKAYA, I., LYSEVYCH, M., CAMACHO-MORALES, R., CAI, M., ZANGENEH KAMALI, K., HUANG, L., KAROUTA, F., TAN, H.H., JAGADISH, C., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., GRANGE, R., NESHEV, D.N. and RAHMANI, M., 2020. Forward and backward switching of nonlinear unidirectional emission from GaAs nanoantennas. ACS Nano, 14 (2), pp. 1379-1389. ISSN 1936-0851
SAUTTER, J.D., XU, L., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., LYSEVYCH, M., VOLKOVSKAYA, I., SMIRNOVA, D.A., CAMACHO-MORALES, R., ZANGENEH KAMALI, K., KAROUTA, F., VORA, K., TAN, H.H., KAURANEN, M., STAUDE, I., JAGADISH, C., NESHEV, D.N. and RAHMANI, M., 2019. Tailoring second-harmonic emission from (111)-GaAs nanoantennas. Nano Letters, 19 (6), pp. 3905-3911. ISSN 1530-6984
CAMACHO-MORALES, R., RAHMANI, M., KRUK, S., WANG, L., XU, L., SMIRNOVA, D.A., SOLNTSEV, A.S., MIROSHNICHENKO, A., TAN, H.H., KAROUTA, F., NAUREEN, S., VORA, K., CARLETTI, L., DE ANGELIS, C., JAGADISH, C., KIVSHAR, Y.S. and NESHEV, D.N., 2016. Nonlinear generation of vector beams from AlGaAs nanoantennas. Nano Letters, 16 (11), pp. 7191-7197. ISSN 1530-6984