Items where Author is "Katrakazas, C"
Journal article
BRIJS, K., ROSS, V., DE VOS, B., FILTNESS, A., TALBOT, R., HANCOX, G., PILKINGTON-CHENEY, F., KATRAKAZAS, C., MICHELARAKI, E., YANNIS, G., KAISER, S., FURIAN, G., LOURENÇO, A., WETS, G. and BRIJS, T., 2023. Framework for behaviour change implemented in real-time and post-trip interventions of the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, pp. 2070-2077. ISSN 2352-1457
BRIJS, K., ROSS, V., DE VOS, B., FILTNESS, A., TALBOT, R., HANCOX, G., PILKINGTON-CHENEY, F., KATRAKAZAS, C., MICHELARAKI, E., YANNIS, G., KAISER, S., FURIAN, G., LOURENÇO, A., WETS, G. and BRIJS, T., 2022. Framework for behaviour change implemented in real-time and post-trip interventions of the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project. Transportation Research Procedia. ISSN 2352-1465 (Forthcoming)
MICHELARAKI, E., KATRAKAZAS, C., YANNIS, G., FILTNESS, A., TALBOT, R., HANCOX, G., PILKINGTON-CHENEY, F., BRIJS, K., ROSS, V., DIRIX, H., NEVEN, A., PAUL, R., BRIJS, T., FORTSAKIS, P., KONSTANTINA FRANTZOLA, E. and TAVEIRA, R., 2021. Post-trip safety interventions: state-of-the-art, challenges, and practical implications. Journal of Safety Research, 77, pp. 67-85. ISSN 0022-4375