Items where Author is "Ke, L"
Journal article
LIU, M.-X., LI, H.-F., WU, M.-Q., GENG, S.-S., KE, L., LOU, B.-W., DU, W. and HUA, J., 2022. Associations of preterm and early-term birth with suspected developmental coordination disorder: a national retrospective cohort study in children aged 3–10 years. World Journal of Pediatrics. ISSN 1708-8569
KE, L., BARNETT, A.L., WANG, Y., DUAN, W., HUA, J. and DU, W., 2021. Discrepancies between parent and teacher reports of motor competence in 5-10-year-old children with and without suspected Developmental Coordination Disorder. Children, 8 (11): 1028. ISSN 2227-9067
LIU, M., HUA, J., KE, L., DUAN, W. and DU, W., 2021. Analysis of developmental coordination disorder in Chinese children. Chinese journal of pediatrics, 59 (11), pp. 928-934. ISSN 0578-1310
KE, L., DU, W., WANG, Y., DUAN, W., HUA, J. and BARNETT, A.L., 2020. The Movement ABC-2 Test in China: comparison with UK norms for 3-10 year olds. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 105: 103742. ISSN 0891-4222
DU, W., KE, L., WANG, Y., HUA, J., DUAN, W. and BARNETT, A.L., 2020. The prenatal, postnatal, neonatal, and family environmental risk factors for Developmental Coordination Disorder: a study with a national representative sample. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 104: 103699. ISSN 0891-4222