Items where Author is "Komar, A"
Journal article
YANG, Z., LIU, M., KOMAR, A., XU, L. and NESHEV, D.N., 2021. Phase‐only tuning of extreme huygens metasurfaces enabled by optical anisotropy. Advanced Optical Materials. ISSN 2195-1071
ZHENG, Z., KOMAR, A., ZANGENEH KAMALI, K., NOBLE, J., WHICHELLO, L., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., RAHMANI, M., NESHEV, D.N. and XU, L., 2021. Planar narrow bandpass filter based on Si resonant metasurface. Journal of Applied Physics, 130 (5): 053105. ISSN 0021-8979
CAMACHO-MORALES, R., ROCCO, D., XU, L., GILI, V.F., DIMITROV, N., STOYANOV, L., MA, Z., KOMAR, A., LYSEVYCH, M., KAROUTA, F., DREISCHUH, A.A., TAN, H.H.H., LEO, G., DE ANGELIS, C., JAGADISH, C., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., RAHMANI, M. and NESHEV, D.N., 2021. Infrared upconversion imaging in nonlinear metasurfaces. Advanced Photonics, 3 (3): 036002.
KOMAR, A., AONI, R.A., XU, L., RAHMANI, M., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E. and NESHEV, D.N., 2021. Edge detection with Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces. ACS Photonics. ISSN 2330-4022
RAHMANI, M., XU, L., MIROSHNICHENKO, A.E., KOMAR, A., CAMACHO-MORALES, R., CHEN, H., ZÁRATE, Y., KRUK, S., ZHANG, G., NESHEV, D.N. and KIVSHAR, Y.S., 2017. Reversible thermal tuning of all-dielectric metasurfaces. Advanced Functional Materials, 27 (31): 1700580. ISSN 1616-301X