Items where Author is "Kotova, D"
Journal article
WOOD, A., DONEGAN-LAWLEY, E.E., CLAUSEN, L.B.N., SPOGLI, L., URBAR, J., JIN, Y., SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., ALFONSI, L., RAWLINGS, J.T., CICONE, A., KOTOVA, D., CESARONI, C., HOEG, P., DORRIAN, G.D., NUGENT, L.D., ELVIDGE, S., THEMENS, D.R., JOSÉ BRAZAL ARAGON, M., WOJTKIEWICZ, P. and MILOCH, W.J., 2024. Statistical models of the variability of plasma in the topside ionosphere: 1. Development and optimisation. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. ISSN 2115-7251 (Forthcoming)
SPOGLI, L., JIN, Y., URBAR, J., WOOD, A.G., DONEGAN-LAWLEY, E.E., CLAUSEN, L.B.N., SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., ALFONSI, L., RAWLINGS, J.T., CICONE, A., KOTOVA, D., CESARONI, C., HOEG, P., DORRIAN, G.D., NUGENT, L.D., ELVIDGE, S., THEMENS, D.R., JOSÉ BRAZAL ARAGON, M., WOJTKIEWICZ, P. and MILOCH, W.J., 2024. Statistical models of the variability of ionospheric plasma in the topside ionosphere: 2. Performance assessment. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 14: 4. ISSN 2115-7251
WOOD, A.G., ALFONSI, L., CLAUSEN, L.B.N., JIN, Y., SPOGLI, L., URBÁŘ, J., RAWLINGS, J.T., WHITTAKER, I.C., DORRIAN, G.D., HØEG, P., KOTOVA, D., CESARONI, C., CICONE, A., MIEDZIK, J., GIERLACH, E., KOCHAŃSKA, P., WOJTKIEWICZ, P., SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G. and MILOCH, W.J., 2022. Variability of ionospheric plasma: results from the ESA swarm mission. Space Science Reviews, 218: 52, p. 1. ISSN 0038-6308