Items where Author is "Reardon, J"
Journal article
PICH, C. and REARDON, J., 2023. A changing political landscape: the 2022 general election in Jersey. Small States and Territories Journal. ISSN 2616-8006 (Forthcoming)
REARDON, J. and PICH, C., 2021. The strangest election in the world? The October 2020 general election in Guernsey. Small States and Territories Journal, 4 (1), pp. 137-156.
Conference contribution
PICH, C. and REARDON, J., 2023. 'A huge political experiment’ – exploring the political brand positioning of political parties in Jersey from an internal-external perspective. In: 27th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Cranfield University, Bedford, 3-4 April 2023.