Items where Author is "Reid, C"
Chapter in book
NEWSTEAD, C., REID, C. and SPARKE, M., 2005. The cultural geography of scale. In: K. ANDERSON, M. DOMOSH, S. PILE and N. THRIFT, eds., Handbook of cultural geography. UNSPECIFIED.
Research report for external body
BURNS, C., CARTER, N., COWELL, R., ECKERSLEY, P., FARSTAD, F., GRAVEY, V., JORDAN, A., MOORE, B. and REID, C., 2018. Environmental policy in a devolved United Kingdom: challenges and opportunities after Brexit. London: UK in a Changing Europe.
GRAVEY, V., BURNS, C., CARTER, N., COWELL, R., ECKERSLEY, P., FARSTAD, F., JORDAN, A., MOORE, B. and REID, C., 2018. Northern Ireland: challenges and opportunities for post-Brexit environmental governance. London: UK in a Changing Europe.
REID, C., BURNS, C., CARTER, N., COWELL, R., ECKERSLEY, P., FARSTAD, F., GRAVEY, V., JORDAN, A. and MOORE, B., 2018. Scotland: challenges and opportunities for post-Brexit environmental governance. London: UK in a Changing Europe.
COWELL, R., BURNS, C., CARTER, N., ECKERSLEY, P., FARSTAD, F., GRAVEY, V., JORDAN, A., MOORE, B. and REID, C., 2018. Wales: challenges and opportunities for post-Brexit environmental governance. London: UK in a Changing Europe.
JORDAN, A., BEUKERS-STEWART, B., BURNS, C., COWELL, R., ECKERSLEY, P., GRAVEY, V. and REID, C., 2018. Written evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee's 25-Year Environment Plan inquiry. London: House of Commons' Environmental Audit Committee.