Items where Author is "Richardson, D"
Journal article
KENDRICK, D., LINDLEY, R., BLACKBURN, L., ROADEVIN, C., THOMPSON, E., ANDREWS, I., ANWAR, F., BROOKS, A., CARLTON, E., CROUCH, R., DAY, F., FALLON, S., FARRIN, A., GRAHAM, L., HOFFMAN, K., HOWELL, R., HOLMES, J., JAMES, M., JONES, T., KELLEZI, B., KETTLEWELL, J., MORRISS, R., DAS NAIR, R., RICHARDSON, D., SMITH, M., TIMMONS, S., WRIGHT-HUGHES, A. and RADFORD, K., 2024. Early vocational rehabilitation and psychological support for trauma patients to improve return to work (the ROWTATE trial): study protocol for an individually randomised controlled multicentre pragmatic trial. Trials, 25: 439. ISSN 1745-6215
GROGAN, S., FLETT, K., CLARK-CARTER, D., GOUGH, B., DAVEY, R., RICHARDSON, D. and RAJARATNAM, G., 2010. Women smokers' experiences of an age-appearance anti-smoking intervention: a qualitative study. British Journal of Health Psychology.
BUTCHER, Z., FAIRCLOUGH, S., STRATTON, G. and RICHARDSON, D., 2007. The effect of feedback and information on children's pedometer step counts at school. Pediatric Exercise Science, 19 (1), pp. 29-38. ISSN 0899-8493
Chapter in book
RICHARDSON, D., DE LEEUW, S. and VIS, I.F.A., 2010. Conceptualising inventory prepositioning in the humanitarian sector. In: L.M. CAMARINHA-MATOS, X. BOUCHER and H. AFSARMANESH, eds., Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World: Proceedings of the 11th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2010. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 149-156. ISBN 9783642159602
Conference contribution
RICHARDSON, D. and DE LEEUW, S., 2012. Factors affecting global inventory prepositioning locations in humanitarian logistics - a delphi study. In: 4th Production & Operations Management World Conference (P&OM2012), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 July 2012, Amsterdam.