Items where Author is "Robinson, E"
Journal article
ROBINSON, E., 2009. Is your talent latent? Staying ahead with talent management. Thought leaders share their views on the HR profession and its direction for the future. Strategic HR Review, 8 (4), pp. 34-35. ISSN 1475-4398
ROBINSON, E., 2009. Manager-as-coach: [meeting four]. Coaching at Work, 4 (3), pp. 20-21.
ROBINSON, E., 2009. Manager-as-coach: [meeting three]. Coaching at Work, 4 (2), pp. 20-21.
ROBINSON, E., 2009. Manager-as-coach: [meeting two]. Coaching at Work, 4 (1), pp. 20-21.
ROBINSON, E., 2008. Manager-as-coach: [meeting one: the coaching contract]. Coaching at Work, 3 (6), pp. 18-19.
ROBINSON, E., 2008. A letter from Singapore. Coaching at Work.
HEARNSHAW, H., ROBINSON, E. and BAKER, R., 1998. Developing the role of primary care audit group leads. Education in General Practice, 9 (2).
Conference contribution
ROBINSON, E., 2009. The use of metaphor, narrative and story-telling in relational coaching. Sub-theme 31: The marriage of story and metaphor: power couple or marriage of convenience. In: EGOS Colloquium, Esade Business School, Barcelona, 2- 4 July 2009, Barcelona.
ROBINSON, E., 2008. The shaping, location and dislocation of women making choices. In: Women's World Conference, Mundos de Mujeres, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 3-9 July 2008, Madrid.
WILLIS, K. and ROBINSON, E., 2005. Transformations, coaching in higher education. In: Proceedings of the ECCI European Creativity and Innovation Conference, Lodz.
Research report for external body
BAGILHOLE, B. and ROBINSON, E., 1996. A report on the policies and practices of equal opportunities in higher education higher. CUCO [Commission on University Career Opportunities].
ROBINSON, E., 2000. What is feminism? [book review]. Journal of European Area Studies, 8 (1).