Items where Author is "Rouen, S"
Journal article
STUBBINGTON, R., LONGSTAFFE, O., SARREMEJANE, R., BATES, P., GETHING, K.J., JONES, J.I., KELLY‐QUINN, M., LAINI, A., MURRAY‐BLIGH, J., RIPPON, L. and ROUEN, S., 2024. A kick in the headwaters: evaluating a macroinvertebrate sampling method for ecological condition monitoring in small streams. River Research and Applications. ISSN 1535-1459
Website content
LONGSTAFFE, O., APANASIONOK, A., BATES, P., RIPPON, L., ROUEN, S., SARREMEJANE, R. and STUBBINGTON, R., 2024. Kick sampling aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in small streams: is 3 minutes too long, too short, or just right? Freshwater Biological Association.