Items where Author is "Scott, D"
TURNER, A., SCOTT, D. and HAYES, S., 2022. The classification of multiple interacting gait abnormalities using insole sensors and machine learning. In: S.I. AHAMED, C.A. ARDAGNA, H. BIAN, M. BOCHICCHIO, C.K. CHANG, R.N. CHANG, E. DAMIANI, L. LIU, M. PAVEL, C. PRIAMI, H. SHAHRIAR, R. WARD, F. XHAFA, J. ZHANG and F. ZULKERNINE, eds., Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference On Digital Health (IEEE ICDH 2022). Hybrid Conference Barcelona, Spain 11-15 July 2022. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN 9781665481496
SCOTT, D., 2022. Digital learning, teaching and assessment for HE and FE practitioners. Northwich: Critical Publishing. ISBN 9781914171178 (Forthcoming)
BEARMAN-BROWN, L.E., BAKER, P.J., SCOTT, D., UZAL, A., EVANS, L. and YARNELL, R.W., 2020. Over-winter survival and nest site selection of the West-European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in arable dominated landscapes. Animals, 10 (9): 1449. ISSN 2076-2615
SCOTT, D., 2018. Learning technology: a handbook for FE teachers and assessors. Northwich: Critical Publishing. ISBN 9781912096930
JAMES, L.J., EVANS, G.H., MADIN, J., SCOTT, D., STEPNEY, M., HARRIS, R., STONE, R. and CLAYTON, D.J., 2013. Effect of varying the concentrations of carbohydrate and milk protein in rehydration solutions ingested after exercise in the heat. British Journal of Nutrition, 110 (7), pp. 1285-1291. ISSN 0007-1145
SCOTT, D., MCCARRON, J.P., MANDERE, M., WARWICK, R. and APPIAH, S., 2011. Creative connections: exploring and discovering relationships. Research Practice Course Third Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, May 2011. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University. ISBN 9781842331453
YARNELL, R., METCALFE, D., DUNSTONE, N., BURNSIDE, N. and SCOTT, D., 2008. The impact of fire on habitat use by the short-snouted elephant shrew ('Elephantulus brachyrhynchus') in North West Province, South Africa. African Zoology, 43 (1), pp. 45-52.
YARNELL, R., SCOTT, D., CHIMIMBA, C. and METCALFE, D., 2007. Untangling the roles of fire, grazing and rainfall on small mammal communities in grassland ecosystems. Oecologia, 154 (2), pp. 387-402. ISSN 0029-8549
YARNELL, R. and SCOTT, D., 2006. Notes on the ecology of the short-snouted sengi ('Elephantulus brachyrhynchus') at a game ranch in North-west Province, South Africa. Afrotherian conservation: newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Afrotheria specialist group (4), pp. 2-4.