Items where Author is "Yuzgec, U"
Journal article
DOKUR, E., ERDOGAN, N., SALARI, M.E., YUZGEC, U. and MURPHY, J., 2024. An integrated methodology for significant wave height forecasting based on multi‐strategy random weighted grey wolf optimizer with swarm intelligence. IET Renewable Power Generation. ISSN 1752-1424
BALCI, M., DOKUR, E., YUZGEC, U. and ERDOGAN, N., 2023. Multiple decomposition‐aided long short‐term memory network for enhanced short‐term wind power forecasting. IET Renewable Power Generation. ISSN 1752-1424
Chapter in book
DOKUR, E., SENGOR, I., YUZGEC, U., ERDOGAN, N. and HAYES, B.P., 2023. Smart meter data-driven voltage forecasting model for a real distribution network based on SCO-MLP. In: Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies EUROPE (ISGT-EUROPE) 23-26 October, 2023. IEEE. ISBN 9798350396799