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DRAKE, D., 2004. Contributions to 'Dictionnaire Sartre' [ Commentaries on texts by Sartre - Le tiers monde commence en banlieu - Une victoire - Vous êtes formidable; Dictionary entries - Gauche, gauchiste - Guerre d'Algérie - Guerre d'Indochine - Maoïsme]. In: Dictionnaire Sartre. Honoré Champion.
ODDEY, A., 2004. Elizabeth Careless [dictionary entry]. In: New dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press.
ODDEY, A., 2004. Mrs Frances Abington [dictionary entry]. In: New dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press.
ODDEY, A., 2004. Mrs Sarah Gardner [dictionary entry]. In: New dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press.
PAWSON, R. and TILLEY, N., 2004. Realistic evaluation [Encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopaedia of evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.