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CHO, N.J., 2008. [Dictionary entries]. In: Canterbury dictionary of hymnology. AHRC-, MHRA-, Leverhulme.
DICKINS, B.J.A. and KELSEY, G., 2008. Evolution of imprinting: imprinted gene function in human disease [online encyclopaedia contribution]. In: eLS [Encyclopedia of life sciences]. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.. ISBN 9780470015902
HODGSON, N., 2008. Women and Crusade. In: The Encyclopaedia of the Crusades. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, pp. 1285-1291.
NEWSTEAD, C., 2008. Eric Williams and the University of Woodford Square [encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopedia of the African diaspora: origins, experiences and culture. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1851097007
ROLPH, C., 2008. Case study. In: P. CHAMBERS, ed., Curriculum design: disciplined innovation in practice. London: SSAT (The Schools Network).
TIVERS, J. and BOWLBY, S., 2008. The pre-history of feminist geography [encyclopaedia entry]. In: International encyclopaedia of human geography. UNSPECIFIED.