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DINGWALL, R., 1979. Inequality and the National Health Service. In: P. ATKINSON, R. DINGWALL and A. MURCOTT, eds., Prospects for the National Health. London: Croom Helm, pp. 14-33.
DINGWALL, R., 1979. The place of men in nursing. In: M. COLLEDGE and D. JONES, eds., Readings in nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
DINGWALL, R. and MCINTOSH, J., 1979. Introduction. In: R. DINGWALL and J. MCINTOSH, eds., Readings in the sociology of nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 1-15.
HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. The British police: an introduction. In: S. HOLDAWAY, ed., The British police. Beverley Hills: Sage, pp. 1-13.
HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. The British police: an introduction. In: S. HOLDAWAY, ed., The British police. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 1-13.
MCINTOSH, J. and DINGWALL, R., 1979. Teamwork in theory and practice. In: R. DINGWALL and J. MCINTOSH, eds., Readings in the sociology of nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 118-134.
SHACKLEY, M., 1979. The early ditch fillings. In: J.V.S. WALKER, ed., Excavations in Medieval tenements on the Quilters Vault site in Southampton. Winchester: Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, pp. 182-216.