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BARNARD, E.A., BEESON, D.M.W., COCKCROFT, V.B., DARLISON, M.G., HICKS, A.A., LAI, F.A., MOSS, S.J. and SQUIRE, M.D., 1987. Molecular biology of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from chicken muscle and brain. In: M.J. DOWDALL and J.N. HAWTHORNE, eds., Cellular and molecular basis of cholinergic function. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd.; Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, pp. 15-32.
DARLISON, M.G., COCKCROFT, V.B., HICKS, A.A., SQUIRE, M.D., MOSS, S.J. and BARNARD, E.A., 1987. Analysis of cloned DNA encoding nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits from the chicken central nervous system. In: S. TUCEK, ed., Synaptic transmitters and receptors. Prague: Academia, pp. 161-166.
HAWTHORNE, J.N., SIMMONDS, S.H. and YAGISAWA, H., 1987. Inhibitory muscarinic receptors and phosphoinositide metabolism. In: M.J. DOWDALL and J.N. HAWTHORNE, eds., Cellular and molecular basis of cholinergic function. [Chichester]: Ellis Horwood, pp. 159-168.
HOWARTH, M. and HEAD, D., 1987. Foreign relations. In: I. WALLACE, ed., East Germany - an annotated bibliography. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 107-130.
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SHACKLEY, M., 1987. Diagenesis of ivories from Nimrud, Iraq. In: G. HERMANN, ed., The ivories from Fort Shalmaneser Nimrud Iraq (2 vols.). London: The British Academy, pp. 224-228.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. Black student: white teacher. In: B. TROYNA, ed., Racial inequality in education. Routledge.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. School process and black students. In: T. BOOTH, ed., Underachievement: curriculum for all. Open University Press.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. The relation between teachers and Afro-Caribbean pupils: observing multi-racial classrooms. In: G. WEINER and M. ARNOT, eds., Gender under scrutiny: new inquiries in education. Open University.