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ARNOT, C. and KANDHOLA, M., 1998. Death the illustration of life [interview, Arts Review].
BURNETT, K., 1998. Set design and art workshop leader, Manchester Arts Education Festivals, 1998-2002. Wythenshawe: Forum Theatre.
HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Expert witness statement on behalf of The Commission for Racial Equality, inquiry in the police investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, June 1998. The Commission for Racial Equality.
HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Submission about the recruitment of ethnic minorities into the police service. House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, December 1998. House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee.
IRESON, G.P., 1998. Students' understanding of modern physics (SUMP) [teaching activity cards]. PPARC.
KANDHOLA, M., 1998. [work featured in:] The appropriated frame: Autograph audio visual for Photo 98 Festival, Granary Wharf, Leeds. London: Autograph.