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Pro Enviro Ltd. 2011. Energy efficient technologies in the East Midlands: project report. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
ekosgen consulting (UK) Ltd. 2011. Mapping the East Midlands low carbon economy. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
ekosgen consulting (UK) Ltd. 2011. Mapping the East Midlands low carbon economy - annex 1: directory of low carbon environmental goods and services (LCEGS) businesses. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
ekosgen consulting (UK) Ltd. 2011. Mapping the East Midlands low carbon economy - annex 2: low carbon environmental goods and services (LCEGS) sector analysis. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
ekosgen consulting (UK) Ltd. 2011. Mapping the East Midlands low carbon economy: volume 2 - market analysis. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
EMFEC 2011. Skills for a low carbon economy: apprenticeships in the east midlands. Other. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.