Items where Author is "Wong, V"
Research report for external body
COPSEY, S., ROMMEL, A., CLEAL, Y., KÄRMENIEMI, P., STENGÅRD, J., BLOBNER, K., SCHMITZ-FELTEN, E., KOUKOULAKI, T., LIDDLE, M., KOUVONEN, A., WONG, V., FELTEN, C., KUDÁSZ, F., BUDAVÖLGYI, A., PAPALE, A., VAN DER BEEK, D., SYE, T., STARREN, A., DRUPSTEEN, L., NUNES, I., CABEÇAS, J.M.M., ŁUCZAK, A., PLATON, S.N., COX, T., HASSARD, J. and TAYLOR, T.N., 2011. Managing risks to drivers in road transport. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
GERVAIS, R., KOUVONEN, A., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and WONG, V., 2009. Case studies report: Mainstreaming OSH in teacher training. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
LIDDLE, M., KOUVONEN, A., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., WONG, V. and KNIGHT, A., 2009. Case studies report: Road transport sector: drivers of haulage vehicles. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
MUYLAERT, K., KUHL, K., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., WONG, V. and KNIGHT, A., 2009. Case studies report: Safe maintenance. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
DE, M., KOUVONEN, A., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and WONG, V., 2009. Economic incentives at the international level. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.