Items where Author is "Wright, CY"
Journal article
WRIGHT, C.Y., CHANNER, Y. and THOMPSON, S., 2007. Out of place: black women academics in British universities. Women's History Review, 16 (2), pp. 145-162. ISSN 0961-2025
WRIGHT, C.Y. and WEEKES, D., 2003. Race and gender in the contestation and resistance of teacher authority and school sanctions: the case of African Caribbean pupils in England. Comparative Education Review, 47 (1), pp. 3-20. ISSN 0010-4086
WRIGHT, C.Y., WEEKES, D. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 1999. Gender-blind racism in the experience of schooling and identity formation. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 3 (4), pp. 293-307. ISSN 1360-3116
WRIGHT, C.Y., WEEKES, D., MCGLAUGHLIN, A. and WEBB, D., 1998. Masculinised discourses within education and the construction of black male identities amongst African-Caribbean youth. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19 (1), pp. 75-87.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1990. Comments in reply to the article by P. Foster: Case not proven: an evaluation of two studies of teacher racism. British Educational Research Journal, 16 (4), pp. 351-355. ISSN 0141-1926
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1989. Special issues: race and gender. Gender and Education, 1 (3).
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Learning environment or battleground. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 11-17.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Who succeeds at school - and who decides. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 17-24.
Authored book
WRIGHT, C.Y., STANDEN, P.J. and PATEL, T., 2010. Black youth matters: transitions from school to success. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415995122
WRIGHT, C.Y., WEEKES, D. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2000. Race, gender and social class in exclusion from school. London: Falmer Press.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1992. Race relations in the primary school. London: David Fulton. ISBN 1853461423
WRIGHT, C.Y., EGGLESTON, S. and MADJU, A., 1986. Education for some. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Press.
Chapter in book
WRIGHT, C.Y., 2007. Reflection on the global educational landscape: Black educational experiences in Britain. In: J. KING, ed., Facing the new Millennium: A transformative agenda in black education. Falmer: Routledge.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 2005. Black femininities go to school: how young black females navigate race and gender. In: G. LLOYD, ed., 'Problem' girls: understanding and supporting troubled and troublesome girls and young women. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 103-113. ISBN 415303133
WRIGHT, C.Y., 2001. Discipline and democracy: race, gender, school sanctions and control. In: M. ARNOT and J. DILLABOUGH, eds., Gender, education and citizenship: an international feminist reader. Routledge.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1999. Le chercheur et son objet de recherche: un exemple personnel. In: A. VASQUEZ and I. MARTINEZ, eds., Recherches ethnographiques en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Paris: Anthrops. ISBN 9782717837803
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1997. Caught in the cross-fire. In: P. CONNOLLY and B. TROYNA, eds., Researching 'race' in educational settings: politics, theory and practice. Routledge.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1996. Stresses in teachers of ethnic minorities. In: G. UPTON and V. VARMA, eds., Teachers of children with special needs. Ashgate Publishing.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1995. Ethnic relations in primary schools. In: S. TOMLINSON and M. CRAFT, eds., Ethnic relations in schools in the 1990s. Athlone Press.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1990. A case of ineffective schooling: black children's experience of the education system. In: T. EVERTON, ed., Effective learning: into a new era. UNSPECIFIED.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. Black student: white teacher. In: B. TROYNA, ed., Racial inequality in education. Routledge.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. School process and black students. In: T. BOOTH, ed., Underachievement: curriculum for all. Open University Press.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1987. The relation between teachers and Afro-Caribbean pupils: observing multi-racial classrooms. In: G. WEINER and M. ARNOT, eds., Gender under scrutiny: new inquiries in education. Open University.
Journal editorship
WRIGHT, C.Y., 2007. Troublesome bodies: construction of black feminities and masculinities within school settings ['Foreign bodies' special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.
Research report for external body
WRIGHT, C.Y., 2007. Overcoming school exclusion and achieving successful youth transitions within African Caribbean communities [end of award report to Joseph Rowntree]. UNSPECIFIED.
WRIGHT, C.Y., GERMAN, G., JOHN, G., STANDEN, P. and PATEL, T., 2005. School exclusion and transition into adulthood in African-Caribbean communities. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
WRIGHT, C.Y. and DEVANNEY, C., 2005. Securing and improving better outcomes for young people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds: report to Connexions Nottinghamshire. Connexions Nottinghamshire.
WRIGHT, C.Y., DEVANNEY, C. and ROBINSON, Y., 2004. Barriers to black and minority ethnic communities in Nottingham access victim and witness services: report to Supporting the Communities and Connexions Nottinghamshire. Connexions Nottinghamshire.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1999. Divert Trust: lifting the exclusion zone mentoring project. Nottingham: UNSPECIFIED.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1998. Cities against racism report. Brussels: Directorate General V (Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs), European Commission.
WRIGHT, C.Y., GRIFFITHS, M. and HAYES, M., 1998. Haringey African-Caribbean primary school improvement project, FEST DEFE funded project. Haringey Education Authority.
WRIGHT, C.Y. and WEEKES, D., 1998. Improving practice: a whole school approach to raising the achievement of African Caribbean youth. Runnymede Trust.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1991. The early and middle years: how children from black and ethnic minority groups experience school. Commission for Racial Equality.
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1998. Review symposium: [review of] Routes of racism: the social basis of racist action, by Roger Hewitt, 1996. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 1 (2).
WRIGHT, C.Y., 1997. Teacher education in plural societies: an international review: [review of book] edited by Maurice Craft, 1996. British Journal of Educational Studies, 45 (4), p. 177.