Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2017

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ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. Architectural and urban heritage in the digital age: dilemmas of authenticity, originality and reproduction. International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 11 (3), pp. 5-15. ISSN 1938-7806

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. Managing cultural heritage in the digital age: research policy document on the development of virtual heritage for Egypt and the Middle East. Cairo: Ministry of Higher Education & Ministry of Antiquities.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. Navigating virtual heritage applications for historic cities in the Middle East. In: L. GOODMAN and A. ADDISON, eds., Proceedings of the 2017 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM). IEEE.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. New frontier for digital preservation of heritage in the Middle East. In: Virtual Heritage Cairo 1st International Conference (VHC 2017): Sustaining Heritage in the Digital Age: Towards Virtual Environments for Middle East’s Cultural Heritage, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo, Egypt, 20-21 February 2017.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. Reliving past architecture: virtual heritage and the reproduction of history through creative modes of heritage visualisation. In: International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction (ICTAC 2017), Chandigarh University, Mohali, India, 18 September 2017.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2017. Virtual heritage: global perspectives for creative modes of heritage visualisation. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

ABDELMONEM, M.G. and EL-QADI, G., 2017. Virtual heritage manual: best practice manual for Egypt & the Middle East. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., SELIM, G., MUSHATAT, S. and ALMOGREN, A., 2017. Virtual platforms for heritage preservation in the Middle East: the case of medieval Cairo. International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 11 (3), pp. 28-41. ISSN 1938-7806

ABDULLA, K.M.A., ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2017. Walkability in historic urban spaces: testing the safety and security in Martyrs' Square in Tripoli. International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 11 (3), pp. 163-177. ISSN 1938-7806

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E. and EMUZE, F., 2017. Construction safety through housekeeping: the Hawthorne effect. In: F. EMUZE and M. BEHM, eds., Joint CIB W099 and TG59 International Safety, Health, and People in Construction Conference: Towards Better Safety, Health, Wellbeing, and Life in Construction, Cape Town, South Africa, 11-13 June 2017. Conference proceedings. Bloemfontein: Department of Built Environment Central University of Technology, Free State, pp. 285-295. ISBN 9781920508784

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E. and EMUZE, F., 2017. Construction safety through housekeeping: the Hawthorne effect. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 7 (2), pp. 2027-2038. ISSN 2223-7852

AGYEKUM-MENSAH, G. and KNIGHT, A.D., 2017. The professionals' perspective on the causes of project delay in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (5), pp. 828-841. ISSN 0969-9988

AL-AMEEN, Y., IANAKIEV, A. and EVANS, R., 2017. Thermal performance of a solar assisted horizontal ground heat exchanger. Energy. ISSN 0360-5442

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. Apple's goodbye to the MP3 player reminds us why the iPod became an instant classic. The Conversation.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. New technology brings Star Wars-style desert moisture farming a step closer. The Conversation.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. New technology brings Star Wars-style desert moisture farming a step closer. Atlanta, GA: Cable News Network (CNN).

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. The Star Wars 'vaporator farms' that can pull water from desert air. Daily Mail. ISSN 0307-7578

AL-HABAIBEH, A. and HAWAS, A., 2017. An educational and research apparatus for simulating thermal performance and energy efficiency of buildings. GB2551398A.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SHAKMAK, B. and FANSHAWE, S., 2017. The development of an experimental test rig to evaluate the performance of a new technology for stratified hot water storage - the Water Snake. Energy Procedia, 142, pp. 3644-3653. ISSN 1876-6102

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SHAKMAK, B. and FANSHAWE, S., 2017. The development of an experimental test rig to evaluate the performance of a new technology for stratified hot water storage - the water snake. In: The 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), Cardiff University, Cardiff, 21-24 August 2017.

AL-HABAIBEH, A. and SHIN, H.D., 2017. Cycling to watch TV ... and other clever ways to beat obesity from the comfort of your own home. The Conversation.

AL-MARRI, W., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and ABDO, H., 2017. Exploring the relationship between energy cost and people's consumption behaviour. Energy Procedia, 105, pp. 3464-3470. ISSN 1876-6102

ALOMAR, M.K., ALSAADI, M.A., ALJUMAILY, M.M., AKIB, S., JASSAM, T.M. and HASHIM, M.A., 2017. N,N-diethylethanolammonium chloride-based DES-functionalized carbon nanotubes for arsenic removal from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment, 74, pp. 163-173. ISSN 1944-3994

ALOMAR, M.K., ALSAADI, M.A., HAYYAN, M., AKIB, S., IBRAHIM, M. and HASHIM, M.A., 2017. Allyl triphenyl phosphonium bromide based DES-functionalized carbon nanotubes for the removal of mercury from water. Chemosphere, 167, pp. 44-52. ISSN 0045-6535

ALOMAR, M.K., ALSAADI, M.A., JASSAM, T.M., AKIB, S. and HASHIM, M.A., 2017. Novel deep eutectic solvent-functionalized carbon nanotubes adsorbent for mercury removal from water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 497, pp. 413-421. ISSN 0021-9797

ARTHUR, L., 2017. 50% Design. In: The Wonder Seminar: Gender, Design & Market Seminar, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA), Oslo, Sweden, 6 September 2017.

ASHFAQ, A., KAMALI, Z.H., AGHA, M.H. and ARSHID, H., 2017. Heat coupling of the pan-European vs. regional electrical grid with excess renewable energy. Energy, 122, pp. 363-377. ISSN 0360-5442

ATHRESH, A.P., 2017. Feasibility of using the water from the abandoned and flooded coal mines as an energy resource for space heating. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ATHRESH, A.P., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and PARKER, K., 2017. An innovative and integrated approach for using energy from the flooded coal mines for pre-warming of a gas engine in standby mode using GSHP. Energy Procedia, 105, pp. 2531-2538. ISSN 1876-6102

AZENNOUD, M., BULL, R., LEMON, M. and PERRY, D., 2017. How can the process of adopting energy management in organisations inform water management practice? Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 5 (5), pp. 417-421. ISSN 1793-8201

AZENNOUD, M., STUART, G., BULL, R., LEMON, M. and PERRY, D., 2017. Smart energy management for non-domestic buildings: case studies of two local authorities in the UK. In: Proceedings of eceee 2017 Summer Study: Consumption, Efficiency & Limits, Belambra Les Criques, Toulon/Hyères, France, 29 May - 3 June 2017. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, pp. 657-666. ISBN 9789198387810


BALAKRISHNA, M.N., 2017. Fundamental characterisation of impregnation on concrete structures. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BANKS, D., ATHRESH, A., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and BURNSIDE, N., 2017. Water from abandoned mines as a heat source: practical experiences of open- and closed-loop strategies, United Kingdom. Sustainable Water Resources Management. ISSN 2363-5037

BARRETT, J., COOPER, T., HAMMOND, G.P. and PIDGEON, N., 2017. Industrial energy demand and carbon emissions reduction in the UK: challenges, insights and opportunities. In: 4th Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM 2017), Alkmaar, Netherlands, 28-30 June 2017.

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2017. Shoe and tell: a celebration of teenage identity. Being Human 2017, Nottingham Writers' Studio, Nottingham, 23-25 November 2017.

BRAITHWAITE, N. and NG, C., 2017. Styling identity in the city: the art of fitting in. In: 5th International Visual Methods Conference (IVMC 5): Visualising the City, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore, 16-18 August 2017.

BREEDON, P., 2017. Additive manufacturing technologies for medical devices. In: BioSpine 2017: 6th International Congress on Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery, Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin, Germany, 26-28 April 2017.

BREEDON, P., 2017. Cooperative robotics for surgical applications. In: Medilink EM: Medical Technologies & Systems Special Interest Group (SIG), Park Inn Hotel, Nottingham, 16 May 2017.

BREEDON, P., 2017. Cooperative robotics: the ScoliBOT. In: BioSpine 2017: 6th International Congress on Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery, Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin, Germany, 26-28 April 2017.

BREEDON, P., 2017. Cooperative surgical robotics with bimanual intervention. In: NSpine Main Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, London, 12-15 June 2017.

BREEDON, P., 2017. Outlook on the future of additive manufacturing abilities. In: NSpine Main Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, London, 12-15 June 2017.

BREEDON, P., LOGAN, P., PEARCE, D., EDMANS, J., CHILDS, B. and O'BRIEN, R., 2017. Face to face: an interactive facial exercise system for stroke patients with facial weakness. In: W. POWELL, A. RIZZO, P.M. SHARKEY and J. MERRICK, eds., Rehabilitation: innovations and challenges in the use of virtual reality technologies. Disability studies . New York: Nova Science, pp. 73-89. ISBN 9781536120806

BREEDON, P., SIENA, F. and ARMSTRONG, J., 2017. Tracheal intubation: improving first pass success with smart material solutions. The Journal of Health Design, 2 (3), pp. 15-18. ISSN 2206-785X

BULL, R., JENNINGS, N., LASKARI, M. and ROMANOWICZ, J., 2017. Switching off? Challenges in engaging students in energy efficiency. Findings from an EU wide energy saving project. In: Proceedings of eceee 2017 Summer Study: Consumption, Efficiency & Limits, Belambra Les Criques, Toulon/Hyères, France, 29 May - 3 June 2017. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, pp. 1997-2002. ISBN 9789198387810


CASAMAYOR, J.L., SU, D. and REN, Z., 2017. Comparative life cycle assessment of LED lighting products. Lighting Research & Technology. ISSN 1477-1535

CHALAL, M.L., MEDJDOUB, B., WHITE, M., SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., CUMBERBATCH, M. and SHRAHILY, R., 2017. The impact of the UK household life-cycle transitions on the electricity and gas usage patterns. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, pp. 505-518. ISSN 1364-0321

CLAXTON, S., COOPER, T., GOWOREK, H., HILL, H., MCLAREN, A. and OXBORROW, L., 2017. Pilling in knitwear – a clothing longevity problem beyond design. In: C. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment: Conference Proceedings of PLATE 2017, Delft, the Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Research in design series, 9 . Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 89-93. ISBN 9781614998198

COLE, C., 2017. China bans foreign waste - but what will happen to the world's recycling? The Conversation.

COLE, C., 2017. How illegal waste became big business. The Independent. ISSN 1741-9743

COLE, C., 2017. Quid du recyclage international du plastique maintenant que la Chine ne veut plus s’en charger? The Conversation.

COLE, C., 2017. Waste crime: the multi-million pound swindle. The Conversation.

COLE, C., 2017. Waste crime: the multi-million pound swindle. Recycling & Waste World.

COLE, C., 2017. Waste needs to be a safer place to work. Recycling and Waste World.

COLE, C. and GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2017. Community repair: a pop-up alternative to the throwaway society. The Conversation.

COLE, C. and GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2017. Community repair: enabling repair as part of the movement towards a circular economy. London: Nottingham Trent University for The Restart Project.

COLE, C. and GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2017. Having more, owning less: how to fight throwaway culture. The Conversation.

COLE, C., GNANAPRAGASAM, A. and COOPER, T., 2017. Towards a circular economy: exploring routes to reuse for discarded electrical and electronic equipment. Procedia CIRP, 61, pp. 155-160. ISSN 2212-8271

COOPER, T., 2017. Which way to turn? Product longevity and business dilemmas in the circular economy. In: J. CHAPMAN, ed., Routledge handbook of sustainable product design. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 405-422. ISBN 9781138910171

COOPER, T., OXBORROW, L., CLAXTON, S., GOWOREK, H., HILL, H. and MCLAREN, A., 2017. Clothing that lasts: developing and testing garments for longevity. In: 18th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) Conference, Skiathos, Greece, 1-5 October 2017.

COOPER, T., OXBORROW, L., CLAXTON, S., GOWOREK, H., HILL, H. and MCLAREN, A., 2017. New product development and testing strategies for clothing longevity. In: C.A. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2017 - Conference Proceedings. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Research in design (9). Delft: IOS Press, pp. 94-97. ISBN 9781614998204

COSMA, G., BROWN, D., BATTERSBY, S., KETTLEY, S. and KETTLEY, R., 2017. Analysis of multimodal data obtained from users of smart textiles designed for mental wellbeing. In: 2017 International Conference on Internet of Things for the Global Community (IoTGC), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 10-13 July 2017. Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). ISBN 9781538620649

CUI, J.M., IANAKIEV, A. and GARCÍA-FUENTES, M., 2017. To examine appropriate deep-retrofit practice using simulation results in an EU-funded urban regeneration project. Energy Procedia, 105, pp. 2549-2556. ISSN 1876-6102


DANIEL, E. and PASQUIRE, C., 2017. Realising social value within the design and delivery of Highway England infrastructure projects: final report. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Publications.

DANIEL, E. and PASQUIRE, C., 2017. Social Value Evidencing Toolkit (SVET): a framework for social delivery on Highways England infrastructure schemes. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Publications.

DANIEL, E.I., 2017. Exploratory study into the use of Last Planner ® System and collaborative planning for construction process improvement. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DANIEL, E.I. and PASQUIRE, C., 2017. Last Planner System Path Clearing Approach (LPS-PCA): an approach to guide; clients, main contractors and subcontractors in the implementation of the LPS. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Publications.

DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C., DICKENS, G. and BALLARD, G., 2017. The relationship between the Last Planner® System and collaborative planning practice in UK construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24 (3), pp. 407-425. ISSN 0969-9988

DELZENDEH, E., WU, S., LEE, A. and ZHOU, Y., 2017. The impact of occupants' behaviours on building energy analysis: a research review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, pp. 1061-1071. ISSN 1364-0321

DI MARIA, V., 2017. Resin connectors in timber. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DI MARIA, V., D’ANDRIA, L., MUCIACCIA, G. and IANAKIEV, A., 2017. Influence of elevated temperature on glued-in steel rods for timber elements. Construction and Building Materials, 147, pp. 457-465. ISSN 0950-0618

DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2017. Electronically functional yarns transform wearable device industry. R&D Magazine, 59 (2), pp. 19-21.

DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2017. Sensors and surveillance battle bad vibrations. Tomorrow's Health & Safety, pp. 20-21. ISSN 2055-4737

DOMINGUES, A.R., LOZANO, R., CEULEMANS, K. and RAMOS, T.B., 2017. Sustainability reporting in public sector organisations: exploring the relation between the reporting process and organisational change management for sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management, 192, pp. 292-301. ISSN 0301-4797

DONKOH, D. and ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., 2017. Stakeholders' role in improving Ghana's construction safety. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 170 (2), pp. 68-76. ISSN 1751-4304

DU, X., SU, D., LI, J. and WANG, Z., 2017. Effects of microbus front structure on pedestrian head injury. International Journal of Design Engineering, 7 (1), pp. 54-75. ISSN 1751-5874

DU, X., SU, D. and WANG, Z., 2017. Motion state recognition of debris ejected in vehicular collision after contact with the ground. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 54 (4), pp. 332-346. ISSN 0268-1900

DÍAZ-LAMBOY, E., MENDOZA, M. and SOUTO, A., 2017. [Re] Measuring [LEED] sustainability: from a global rating system to tropical specificity. In: L. BROTAS, S. ROAF and F. NICOL, eds., Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, 2-5 July 2017. Volume 1. Edinburgh: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Building, pp. 401-408. ISBN 9780992895754


GARNETT, K., COOPER, T., LONGHURST, P., JUDE, S. and TYRREL, S., 2017. A conceptual framework for negotiating public involvement in municipal waste management decision-making in the UK. Waste Management, 66, pp. 210-221. ISSN 0956-053X

GENT, D. and IANAKIEV, A., 2017. Assessing riveted connections to Eurocode 3. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage, 170 (2), pp. 87-92. ISSN 1757-9430

GITTENS, D. and HUFFORD, A., 2017. The freedom of the sketch and the tyranny of the digital image. Charrette, 4 (1), pp. 5-13. ISSN 2054-6718

GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2017. Negative impacts of consumerism on society. [Digital or Visual Media]

GNANAPRAGASAM, A. and COLE, C., 2017. Community repair: enabling repair as part of the movement towards a circular economy. In: Waste and Resource Management (WaRM) Conference 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 20 June 2017.

GNANAPRAGASAM, A., COOPER, T., COLE, C. and OGUCHI, M., 2017. Consumer perspectives on product lifetimes: a national study of lifetime satisfaction and purchasing factors. In: C. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2017 - Conference Proceedings. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 144-148. ISBN 9781614998204464

GNANAPRAGASAM, A., OGUCHI, M., COLE, C. and COOPER, T., 2017. Consumer expectations of product lifetimes around the world: a review of global research findings and methods. In: C. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2017 - Conference Proceedings. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 464-469. ISBN 9781614998204464

GOSTAUTAS, I., 2017. Spatial analysis of regional residential markets in England and Wales. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

GOWOREK, H., MCLAREN, A., CLAXTON, S., COOPER, T., HILL, H. and OXBORROW, L., 2017. The relationship between consumer attitudes and product development for clothing longevity. In: The Circular Economy: Transitioning to Sustainability? CBiS Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 11 July 2017.

GOWOREK, H., OXBORROW, L., CLAXTON, S., COOPER, T., HILL, H. and MCLAREN, A., 2017. Facilitating sustainable business models: the case of product development in the clothing industry. In: Reconnecting Management Research with the Disciplines, British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick Business School, Warwick, 5-7 September 2017.


HACKETT, V., 2017. The impact of a collaborative planning approach on engineering construction performance. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

HAWAS, A., 2017. Enhancing public engagement in energy conservation measures in buildings using infrared thermography. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

HAWAS, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. Innovative concept of an educational physical simulation tool for teaching energy consumption in buildings for enhancing public engagement. In: The 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), Cardiff University, Cardiff, 21-24 August 2017.

HAWAS, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. Innovative concept of an educational physical simulation tool for teaching energy consumption in buildings for enhancing public engagement. Energy Procedia, 142, pp. 2942-2952. ISSN 1876-6102

HAWAS, A., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2017. Innovative design of an educational physical simulation tool for investigating energy consumption in buildings for enhancing public engagement. Energy Procedia, 105, pp. 2615-2622. ISSN 1876-6102


IANAKIEV, A., CUI, J.M., GARBETT, S. and FILER, A., 2017. Innovative system for delivery of low temperature district heating. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 12, pp. 19-28. ISSN 2246-2929

IRHOMA, A., 2017. Development of a sustainability management system for petroleum companies. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


JONES, C., DUNSE, N., LIVINGSTONE, N. and CUTSFORTH, K., 2017. The restructuring of the institutional real estate portfolio in the UK. Journal of Property Research, 34 (2), pp. 129-146. ISSN 0959-9916


KAMALI, Z.H., SALAMEH, Z. and ASHFAQ, A., 2017. Modeling of wind energy conversion system using PSCAD/EMTDC. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 7 (1), pp. 178-187. ISSN 1309-0127

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. Envisioning the bubble: creating and consuming lifestyles through magazines in the culture of the Japanese bubble economy (1986-1991). PhD, Royal College of Art.

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. Envisioning the bubble: creating and consuming lifestyles through magazines in the culture of the Japanese bubble economy (1986-1991). Show RCA 2017: Royal College of Art graduate show, Royal College of Art, London, 24 June - 2 July 2017.

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. Hanako Magazine and the internationalised women of the Japanese Bubble Economy. In: Transnational Cities: Tokyo and London, Tate Research Centre: Asia (TRC Asia), Chelsea College of Art; Transnational Art, Identity, Nation (TrAIN) Research Centre, University of Arts London (UAL), 29-30 September 2017.

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. Materialising knowledge: design studies for all! In: Success for All: Advancing Inclusive Curricula and Pedagogies Conference, Nottingham: Trent Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 5 April 2017.

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. Modern living in Asia 1945–1990. Centre for Design History: University of Brighton Centre for Research and Enterprise Excellence [Blog].

KERR, H.-Y., 2017. The well-travelled woman: Hanako Magazine and the internationalised women of the Japanese Bubble Economy. In: Modern Living in Asia, 1945-1990, Centre for Design History, University of Brighton, Brighton, 10-11 April 2017.

KETTLEY, S., 2017. Datasets from the four phases of the 'An Internet of Soft Things' project. [Dataset]

KETTLEY, S., KETTLEY, R. and LUCAS, R., 2017. Towards a person-centred approach to design for personalisation. In: I. KUKSA and T. FISHER, eds., Design for personalisation. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 170-191. ISBN 9781472457394

KETTLEY, S., TOWNSEND, K., WALKER, S. and GLAZZARD, M., 2017. Electric Corset: an approach to wearables innovation. In: RTD2017: Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference, Edinburgh, 22-24 March 2017. Research Though Design, pp. 486-500.

KIAN MANESH RAD, E., SUN, M. and BOSCHÉ, F., 2017. Complexity for megaprojects in the energy sector. Journal of Management in Engineering, 33 (4): 04017009. ISSN 0742-597X

KOBLYAKOVA, A., 2017. Household Mortgages Choice Decisions. [Dataset] (Submitted)

KOBLYAKOVA, A. and WHITE, M., 2017. Supply driven mortgage choice. Urban Studies, 54 (5), pp. 1194-1210. ISSN 0042-0980

KROMANIS, R. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2017. Low cost vision-based systems using smartphones for measuring deformations in structures for condition assessment. In: The 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-8), Brisbane, Australia, 5-8 December 2017. (Forthcoming)

KROMANIS, R. and KRIPAKARAN, P., 2017. Data-driven approaches for measurement interpretation: analysing integrated thermal and vehicular response in bridge structural health monitoring. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 34, pp. 46-59. ISSN 1474-0346


LATHAM, S., 2017. Why it pays to think outside the box when looking for a job. Estates Gazette. ISSN 0014-1240


MANU, P., GIBB, A., MANU, E., BELL, N. and ALLEN, C., 2017. Briefing: The role of human values in behavioural safety. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law. ISSN 1751-4304

MCLAREN, A., CLAXTON, S., HILL, H. and COOPER, T., 2017. Interdisciplinary educational approaches to clothing longevity. In: C. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment: Conference Proceedings of PLATE 2017, Delft, the Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Research in design series, 9 . Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 477-479. ISBN 9781614998198

MCLAREN, A. and GOWOREK, H., 2017. Investigating the relationship between consumer attitudes and sustainable fashion product development. In: C. HENNINGER, P. ALEVIZOU, H. GOWOREK and D. RYDING, eds., Sustainability in fashion: a cradle to upcycle approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171-192. ISBN 9783319512525

MCLAREN, A., HARDY, D.A. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2017. Electronic textiles and product lifetimes: exploring design strategies for product longevity. In: C. BAKKER and R. MUGGE, eds., PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment: Conference Proceedings of PLATE 2017, Delft, the Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. Research in design series, 9 . Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 473-476. ISBN 9781614998198

MEDJDOUB, B. and CHALAL, M.L., 2017. Impact of household transitions on domestic energy consumption and its applicability to urban energy planning. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 4 (2), pp. 171-183. ISSN 2095-7513

MELL, I., ALLIN, S., REIMER, M. and WILKER, J., 2017. Strategic green infrastructure planning in Germany and the UK: a transnational evaluation of the evolution of urban greening policy and practice. International Planning Studies. ISSN 1356-3475

MENDOZA, M., MEDJDOUB, B., CHALAL, M.L. and SUDRA, J., 2017. Documentation of Félix Candela’s Jamaica Market hypar shells in Mexico City. In: A. BÖGLE and M. GROHMANN, eds., Proceedings of IASS 2017: Interfaces - Architecture. Engineering. Science. HafenCity University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 25-28 September 2017. Madrid: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures.

MESTRE, A. and COOPER, T., 2017. Circular product design through design interventions – towards a practical approach for the circular economy. In: 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 12-14 April 2017.

MESTRE, A. and COOPER, T., 2017. Circular product design. A multiple loops life cycle design approach for the circular economy. The Design Journal, 20 (sup 1), S1620-S1635. ISSN 1460-6925

MESTRE, A. and COOPER, T., 2017. Material efficiency in circular product design: critical trade-offs. In: 18th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) Conference, Skiathos, Greece, 1-5 October 2017.

MOYANO, J.J., BARRERA, J.A., NIETO, J.E., MARÍN, D. and ANTÓN, D., 2017. A geometrical similarity pattern as an experimental model for shapes in architectural heritage: a case study of the base of the pillars in the Cathedral of Seville and the Church of Santiago in Jerez, Spain. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2, pp. 511-517. ISSN 1682-1750

MOYANO CAMPOS, J.J., ANTÓN, D., RICO DELGADO, F. and MARÍN GARCÍA, D., 2017. Threshold values for energy loss in building façades using infrared thermography. In: P. MERCADER-MOYANO, ed., Sustainable development and renovation in architecture, urbanism and engineering. Cham: Springer, pp. 427-437. ISBN 9783319514413


NAMADI, S.A., PASQUIRE, C. and MANU, E., 2017. Discrete costing versus collaborative costing. In: K. WALSH, R. SACKS and I. BRILAKIS, eds., Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3): Volume II – Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), July 9-12, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Heraklion: International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), pp. 3-10. ISBN 9780956595171

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