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ALLISON, S., 2017. 10 Gründe, warum Velofahren gut für alle ist. Basler Veloblatt (208).
ALLISON, S., 2017. 10 gode grunde til at cykle. ForskerZonen.
COLE, C., 2017. Waste crime: the multi-million pound swindle. Recycling & Waste World.
COLE, C., 2017. Waste needs to be a safer place to work. Recycling and Waste World.
DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2017. Electronically functional yarns transform wearable device industry. R&D Magazine, 59 (2), pp. 19-21.
DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2017. Sensors and surveillance battle bad vibrations. Tomorrow's Health & Safety, pp. 20-21. ISSN 2055-4737
EDWARDS, M.J. and CRUMP, N.J., 2017. Rational and Winnicottian wellbeing 'at work'. Psychotherapy Section Review (60). ISSN 1747-1761
GOMERSALL, S., 2017. Goose Fair Crumble rides. D&T Primary (34).
GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2017. Curtailing gambling advertising and the effect on participation. Online Gambling Lawyer, 16 (2), pp. 12-14.
GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2017. Work stressed and play? A brief look at competitive gaming. The Neuropsychotherapist, 5 (5), pp. 49-54.
HARDY, A. and GOMERSALL, S., 2017. Learning from each other: building relationships between primary and secondary D&T. D&T Practice, 1, pp. 32-34.
HEWITT, M., DINGWALL, R. and TURKMENDAG, I., 2017. Squeeze on academics poses threats to learned societies. Research Fortnight, p. 23. ISSN 1358-1198
HUGHES-RILEY, T. and DIAS, T., 2017. No more bad vibes: an innovative solution for hand transmitted vibrations. Health & Safety International (71), pp. 147-157. ISSN 1478-8829
IRETON, E., 2017. The Grenfell Tower public inquiry: managing expectations. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
MACHIN, R., 2017. Back to the future - 30 years of Adviser. Adviser (179), pp. 9-11. ISSN 0950-5458
MACHIN, R., 2017. How do the general election manifestos compare on social security pledges? Adviser Online. ISSN 0950-5458
MACHIN, R., 2017. The two-child limit for Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit. Adviser (180). ISSN 0950-5458
MURPHY, P., 2017. Independent inspectorate in danger of becoming Home Office handmaiden. FIRE, 112 (1398), pp. 9-11. ISSN 0142-2510
MURPHY, P., GLENNON, R. and GREENHALGH, K., 2017. Leadership and management in fire and rescue services. Public Sector Focus (NovDec), pp. 74-75. ISSN 2396-8346
RIDGWAY, M., 2017. Opinion: Why you might lose your British talent after Brexit. People Management. ISSN 1358-6297
TSELONI, A. and DAVIES, P., 2017. British Society of Criminology response to the consultation: changes to the crime survey for England and Wales. British Society of Criminology Newsletter (80), pp. 9-19. ISSN 1759-8354
TSELONI, A. and PEASE, K., 2017. So, were you surprised by the BBC/ONS crime risk calculator? Significance. ISSN 1740-9713
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2017. Express yourself. Crafts: Sept/Oct, p. 32. ISSN 0306-610X
WHYSALL, Z., 2017. Presenteeism: friend or foe? HR Review.
WHYSALL, Z., 2017. When not taking risks on people becomes risky. UK Construction Online.