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CURRAN, L., 2024. A missed opportunity to make health, education and social support savings through investment in early justice interventions. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
CURRAN, L., 2024. Successful Australian legal aid model provides lessons for UK access to justice. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1152
IRETON, E., 2024. Public inquiries under scrutiny: learning lessons from past inquiries and enhancing public trust. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
KELLY, S., JOHNSTON, P. and DANEHEISER, S., 2024. Keep on learning to be successful. The International Journal of Sales Transformation, 10 (3), pp. 33-37. ISSN 2058-7341
MURPHY, P., 2024. Research has long shown institutional misogyny and racism within the UK’s fire services. Emergency Services Times. ISSN 1472-1090
PASS, S. and COURT-SMITH, J., 2024. Prioritising people issues is essential for fostering employee engagement. Engage Magazine, pp. 20-21.
RIDGWAY, M., 2024. HR is failing to lead the way in gender-inclusive job adverts. People Management. ISSN 1358-6297
TOWNSEND, K., 2024. PPE refashioned: crafting the gown of care. ASBCI Yearbook, 2024, pp. 20-24.
VAUGHAN, P., 2024. UK Government abandons plans for voluntary code of conduct for AI. The Trademark Lawyer. ISSN 2053-3810
VOOLA, R., HOWARTH, R. and TOMASELLA, B., 2024. The ‘responsible marketing education’ imperative. Global Focus. ISSN 1784-2344
WALTERS, A., 2024. Views from a conference. BERA Bites (11), pp. 10-11.
WALTERS, A., 2024. Book review - girl, goddess, queen. Teaching English (36), p. 81. ISSN 2051-7971