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ALLISON, S., 2019. Ten reasons why we should all love cyclists. Cycling Passion.
ELHINNAWY, H., 2019. In Egypt: if you dare to speak …. Hind Elhinnawy.
GEAR, R., 2019. Creating connections or causing confusion? Nottingham: Nottingham Institute of Education.
GRAYSON, A., 2019. In assessment we need consistent values not form filling. Wonkhe Ltd..
HARDY, A., 2019. Response to Amanda Speilman’s speech. Nottingham Institute of Education, Nottingham Trent University.
MCCANN, M., 2019. Using active assessment to stimulate learning in economics. The Economics Network.
RENWICK, D.W.S., 2019. Sustainable Workforces in Management (SWiM). D.W.S. Renwick.