Expectations and satisfaction with tour guides' performance: an evaluative comparison between Thailand and the UK

Hounnaklang, S, 2002. Expectations and satisfaction with tour guides' performance: an evaluative comparison between Thailand and the UK. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

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This research aims to study and compare tour guide training in the U.K. and Thailand, by investigating the tour guide training systems and curricula adopted in both countries. Key areas relating to tour guide training are focused such as; profiles and roles of tour guides, human resource management and tour guide employment. It is hoped that the study will make a significant contribution to this under-researched area. During his three-month fieldwork in each country, the researcher employed a qualitative approach to data collection including interviews, fieldnotes, observation and documentation gathering. After the fieldvisits had been completed, he analysed and compared tour guide training curricula in these two countries by using a methodology based around content analysis.

Despite tour guides' crucial role in the tourism industry, their status and recognition seem to be largely ignored by tourism-related managers, including their employers. Curiously, tour guides have been negatively perceived since the advent of the first cadre of tour guides, as unscrupulous people deserving little or no respect. One of the main reasons that the tour guiding profession has had such a negative image is the misconception that anybody can become a tour guide regardless of qualification or training requirements. Contemporary tour guides, in most countries, still have to endure the same prejudice despite their better educational backgrounds and improved training. The research findings uncovered chief differences in key areas of the tour guide training curricula surveyed in the U.K and Thailand such as: guide training philosophy, a guide training length, class size and guiding practice. Besides, guide motivations, recruitment and assessment process have proved crucial to raising tour guides' professionalism.

If Thailand wishes to raise the quality and standard of its tour guides, major areas of guide training curriculum must be properly addressed. The UK Blue-Badge tour guide's training and curriculum was selected for study and comparison was due to its exceptionally professional, strenuous and stringent training system. The researcher concluded his study by suggesting strategic solutions to concerned parties to suitably tackle and enhance the tour guide training in their countries. Above all, the tour guide training systems and curricula' s gaps have been comprehensively emphasized and discussed so that the key players, i.e. tour guide training organizers, particularly in Thailand, can ultimately improve the standard and quality of their outputs in a more professional manner.

Item Type: Thesis
Creators: Hounnaklang, S.
Date: 2002
ISBN: 9781369325294
Divisions: Professional Services > Libraries and Learning Resources
Record created by: Laura Ward
Date Added: 25 Jun 2021 14:59
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2023 14:02
URI: https://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/43245

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