Items where Author is "Dutt, S"
Journal article
DUTT, S., 2022. Leading the call for climate action. New Zealand International Review, 47 (2), pp. 2-6. ISSN 0110-0262
DUTT, S., 2020. The Galwan valley clash: another perspective. New Zealand International Review, 45 (6), pp. 6-9. ISSN 0110-0262
DUTT, S., 2014. The future of US-India nuclear co-operation. New Zealand International Review, 39 (5), pp. 16-19.
DUTT, S., 2012. Striving to promote shared values: UNESCO in the troubled world of the twenty-first century. India Quarterly, 68 (2), pp. 187-194. ISSN 0974-9284
DUTT, S., 2009. Striving to promote shared values: UNESCO in the troubled world of the twenty-first century. India Quarterly, 65 (1), pp. 83-95. ISSN 0974-9284
DUTT, S., 2009. The future of US-India nuclear co-operation. New Zealand International Review, 34 (3), pp. 17-22.
DUTT, S., 2007. Review of 'Sri Lanka in the modern age, a history of contested identities', by Nira Wickramasinghe. Island Studies Journal, 2 (1). ISSN 1715 – 2593
DUTT, S., 2002. The Indo-Pakistan Summit: faltering steps towards peace? New Zealand International Review.
DUTT, S., 2002. Review article: India unmasked: the construction of a (nation)-state; 'Reinventing India', by Stuart Corbridge and John Harriss; 'Community conflicts and the state in India', by Amrita Basu and Atul Kohl; 'Democracy and the State', by Niraja Gopal Jaya. Contemporary Politics, 8 (3), pp. 241-247. ISSN 1356-9775
DUTT, S., 2000. Megacities of joy: a case study of Calcutta's environmental problems in the age of globalisation. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 54 (3), pp. 373-388. ISSN 1035-7718
DUTT, S., 1999. The role of intellectuals and non-governmental organizations in Britain's relations with UNESCO. The Round Table, 88 (350), pp. 207-228.
DUTT, S., 1998. Identities and the Indian state: an overview. Third World Quarterly, 19 (3), pp. 411-433.
DUTT, S., 1998. UNESCO: Britain returns to the fold. New Zealand International Review (1), pp. 24-26.
DUTT, S., 1996. India after the 1996 elections. CAPS News (Newsletter of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies) (3).
DUTT, S., 1996. UNESCO's 50th anniversary commemoration. CAPS News (Newsletter of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies) (1).
DUTT, S., 1995. Review of 'The United Nations in the 1990s', by Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker, (2nd ed.); and 'The United Nations, how it works and what it does', by Evan Luard (rev. ed.). New World, p. 9.
DUTT, S., 1995. The UK and UNESCO. Contemporary Review, 266 (1549), pp. 71-76.
DUTT, S., 1994. UNITWIN and the UNESCO University Chairs programme. Friends of UNESCO Newsletter, p. 3.
DUTT, S., 1994. United Kingdom universities and UNESCO. Friends of UNESCO Newsletter, p. 3.
DUTT, S., 1993. India in strife: the Ayodhya crisis. New Zealand International Review (2), pp. 26-27.
DUTT, S., 1992. Review of 'Unilateralism, ideology and US foreign policy: the United States in and out of UNESCO', by Roger A. Coate. Global Society/ Paradigms, 6 (1), pp. 158-179.
DUTT, S., 1990. India rejects Rajiv. New Zealand International Review (2), pp. 17-21.
DUTT, S., 1988. Review of 'United Nations, UNESCO and the politics of knowledge', by Clare Wells. New Zealand International Review (4), p. 31. ISSN 0110-0262
DUTT, S., 1988. Ring out the old and ring in the new. New Zealand International Review (2), pp. 17-19.
Authored book
DUTT, S., 2014. India in a globalized world. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719069017
DUTT, S., 2006. India in a globalized world. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
DUTT, S., 2002. UNESCO and a just world order. New York: NOVA.
DUTT, S., 1995. The politicization of the United Nations specialized agencies - a case study of UNESCO. Mellen University Press.
Chapter in book
DUTT, S., 2018. From governance to global governance: an introduction. In: S. DUTT, ed., Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 1-29. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S., 2018. Global governance and world order: perspectives, challenges and outlook. In: S. DUTT, ed., Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 243-263. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S., 2018. UNESCO's contribution to global communications: reconciling the free flow of information with inclusive development? In: S. DUTT, ed., Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 107-147. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S., 2018. The United Nations and sustainable development: the millennium development goals. In: S. DUTT, ed., Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 31-61. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S., 2018. The United Nations and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. In: S. DUTT, ed., Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 63-86. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S., 2014. South Asia. In: J. SPERLING, ed., Handbook of governance and security. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 255-272. ISBN 9781781953167
DUTT, S., 2012. Human security in South Asia and the role of the UN and its agencies. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915
DUTT, S., 2012. Theorizing regional security. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915
DUTT, S., 2012. The nuclear non-proliferation regime and the future of India-US nuclear energy co-operation. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915
Conference contribution
DUTT, S., 2008. Striving to promote shared values: UNESCO in the troubled world of the 21st century. In: International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA, 26 March 2008, San Francisco.
Edited book
DUTT, S., 2018. Global governance: perspectives, challenges and outlook. Global political studies . Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781536129700
DUTT, S. and BANSAL, A., 2012. South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915
DUTT, S. and BAKUT, B.T., 2000. Africa at the millennium: an agenda for mature development. London: Palgrave.
Newspaper or popular journal contribution
DUTT, S., 2008. Focus: a migrant experience, 8th day. , p. 14.
DUTT, S., 1999. Taking power out of the formula for world peace. .
DUTT, S., 1999. UNESCO needs more than lukewarm UK support. .
DUTT, S., 1983. In search of an identity. , p. 5.
DUTT, S., 2015. Global development goals: partnerships for progress. New Zealand International Review, 40 (6), pp. 27-28. ISSN 0110-0262