Items where Author is "Gallimore, P"
Journal article
DIAZ, J., GALLIMORE, P. and LEVY, D., 2004. Multicultural examination of valuation behaviour. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 22 (4), pp. 339-346. ISSN 1463-578X
BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., GALLIMORE, P., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2003. Appraiser behaviour and appraisal smoothing: some qualitative and quantitative evidence. Journal of Property Research, 20 (3), pp. 261-280. ISSN 0959-9916
DIAZ, J., GALLIMORE, P. and LEVY, D., 2002. Residential valuation behaviour in the US, the UK and New Zealand. Journal of Property Research, 19 (4), pp. 313-326. ISSN 0959-9916
GALLIMORE, P. and GRAY, A., 2002. The role of investor sentiment in property investment decisions. Journal of Property Research, 19 (2), pp. 111-120. ISSN 0959-9916
JAYNE, M. and GALLIMORE, P., 1999. Public and professional perceptions of HVOTL risk: the problem of circularity. Journal of Property Research, 16 (3), pp. 243-255. ISSN 0959-9916
Chapter in book
GALLIMORE, P., 2002. The components of appraisal accuracy. In: K. WANG and M.L. WOLVERTON, eds., Real estate valuation theory. Boston;London: Kluwer Academic. ISBN 792376633
Conference contribution
GALLIMORE, P. and GRAY, A., 2002. Judgement and quantitative forecasts in commercial property decision-making. In: European Real Estate Society Conference, Glasgow.
GALLIMORE, P., 2002. Valuer-client relationships: a UK case study of professional self-regulation. In: Congreso Internacional de Valoracion y Tasacion, Valencia, Spain.
GALLIMORE, P., BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. Client influence in the performance measurement valuation process. In: International Real Estate Society Meeting, Alyeska, Alaska.
GALLIMORE, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. Investor sentiment in property markets - some problems of measurement. In: European Real Estate Society Conference, Alicante, Spain, July 2001, Alicante, Spain.
GALLIMORE, P. and DIAZ, J., 2001. Multicultural examination of variation in residential value judgements. In: RICS Property Research Conference, Oxford, UK, September 2001, Oxford.
GALLIMORE, P., BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. The influence of valuers on the commercial property market: the UK experience. In: Towards a European Property Marke t- TEGOVA/IPD Conference, Berlin, Germany, November 2001, Berlin.
JAYNE, M. and GALLIMORE, P., 1997. Public perceptions of high voltage overhead transmission line risks: avoiding circularity [transcripts]. In: RICS Cutting Edge Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 1997, Dublin, Ireland.