Items where Author is "Odusanya, K"
ALUKO, O., OTT, U., SIWALE, J. and ODUSANYA, K., 2022. Overcoming the liability of outsidership: an fsQCA analysis of African transnational entrepreneurs in the UK. Journal of Business Research, 145, pp. 106-116. ISSN 0148-2963
ISRAILIDIS, J., ODUSANYA, K. and MAZHAR, M.U., 2021. Exploring knowledge management perspectives in smart city research: a review and future research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 56: 101989. ISSN 0268-4012
ALUKO, O., OTT, U., ODUSANYA, K. and SIWALE, J., 2020. Overcoming the liability of outsidership: a configurational analysis of African transnational entrepreneurs in the UK. In: European International Business Academy, Virtual, 10-12 December 2020.
ODUSANYA, K., ALUKO, O. and LAL, B., 2020. Building consumers’ trust in electronic retail platforms in the Sub-Saharan context: an exploratory study on drivers and impact on continuance intention. Information Systems Frontiers: a Journal of Research and Innovation. ISSN 1387-3326
ISRAILIDIS, J., ODUSANYA, K. and MAZHAR, M.U., 2019. Knowledge management in smart city development: a systematic review. In: 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Universidade Europeia de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 5–6 September 2019.
ADETUTU, M.O., ODUSANYA, K. and LALLEY, C., 2019. Broadband infrastructure, smartphone penetration and internet adoption: micro-spatial evidence from a developing country. In: 2019 Scottish Economic Society (SES) Annual Conference, Perth, Scotland, 7-9 April 2019.
ISRAILIDIS, J., ODUSANYA, K. and MAZHAR, M., 2019. Knowledge management in smart city development: a systematic review. In: E. TOME, F. CESARIO and R.R. SOARES, eds., 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2019). Proceedings of a meeting held Lisbon, Portugal, 5-6 September 2019. Vol. 1. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Ltd.. ISBN 9781510894006
ODUSANYA, K., ALUKO, O. and LAL, B., 2019. Understanding the adoption and use of e-tail websites: an empirical analysis based on the revised UTAUT2 model using risk and trust factors. In: Y. DWIVEDI, E. AYABURI, R. BOATENG and J. EFFAH, eds., ICT unbounded, social impact of bright ICT adoption. IFIP advances in information and communication technology (IFIPAICT) (558). Cham: Springer, pp. 191-211. ISBN 9783030206703
ADETUTU, M.O., ODUSANYA, K. and WEYMAN-JONES, T., 2018. Carbon tax and energy intensity: assessing the channels of impact using UK microdata. In: Transforming Energy Markets, 41st IAEE International Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 10-13 June 2018.
ADETUTU, M.O., EBIRERI, J.E., MURINDE, V. and ODUSANYA, K., 2018. Oil price booms, Dutch disease and the crowding out of tradable sectors: new insight from bank lending behavior. In: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED), Zurich, Switzerland, January 2018.
ODUSANYA, K., ISRAILIDIS, J. and MAZHAR, M., 2018. Capturing and sharing knowledge across smart city projects. Portsmouth: UKAIS Pre-ECIS Workshop: New Technologies, Organizations and Work.
ADETUTU, M.O., EBIRERI, J., MURINDE, V. and ODUSANYA, K., 2018. Let beholders behold: can banks see beyond oil booms and mitigate the Dutch disease? London: SOAS University of London.
AJAYI, O.M., ODUSANYA, K. and MORTON, S., 2017. Stimulating employee ambidexterity and employee engagement in SMEs. Management Decision, 55 (4). ISSN 0025-1747
ODUSANYA, K., COOMBS, C. and DOHERTY, N., 2015. Assessing individual benefits realization capability: an IT culture perspective. In: 2015 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2015), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 13-16 December 2015.
ODUSANYA, K., COOMBS, C. and DOHERTY, N.F., 2015. Exploiting benefits from IS/IT investments: an IT culture perspective. In: ECIS 2015 Research-in-Progress papers. AISeL, 56 . Association for Information Systems. ISBN 9783000502842