Items where Author is "Paechter, C"

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Number of items: 32.

Journal article

PAECHTER, C., KEENAN, M., STOODLEY, L. and LAWTON, C., 2024. “Free therapy”: young woman skateboarders, mental health, and body self-compassion. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. ISSN 1012-6902 (Forthcoming)

STOODLEY, L., PAECHTER, C., KEENAN, M. and LAWTON, C., 2024. “I don’t want to get in anyone’s way”: mapping girl skateboarders’ navigation of place and power in skate spaces. Leisure Studies. ISSN 0261-4367

PAECHTER, C., STOODLEY, L., KEENAN, M. and LAWTON, C., 2024. ‘It feels like a big performance’: space, performativity and young woman skateboarders. Sociological Research Online. ISSN 1360-7804

PAECHTER, C., STOODLEY, L., KEENAN, M. and LAWTON, C., 2023. “We sacrifice our bodies for this plank of wood”: girl skateboarders, risk, pain, and injury. Sport in Society. ISSN 1743-0437

PAECHTER, C., STOODLEY, L., KEENAN, M. and LAWTON, C., 2023. What’s it like to be a girl skateboarder? Identity, participation and exclusion for young women in skateboarding spaces and communities. Women's Studies International Forum, 96: 102675. ISSN 0277-5395

PAECHTER, C., TOFT, A. and CARLILE, A., 2021. Non-binary young people and schools: pedagogical insights from a small-scale interview study. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. ISSN 1468-1366

PAECHTER, C., 2021. The rights and interests of trans and intersex children: considerations, conflicts and implications in relation to the UNCRC. Journal of Gender Studies. ISSN 0958-9236

PAECHTER, C. and MARGUERITE, A., 2020. Communities of practice of transition: an analytical framework for studying change-focused groups. Sociological Research Online. ISSN 1360-7804

PAECHTER, C., 2020. Implications for gender and education research arising out of changing ideas about gender. Gender and Education. ISSN 0954-0253

PAECHTER, C., 2019. Where are the feminine boys? Interrogating the positions of feminised masculinities in research on gender and childhood. Journal of Gender Studies, 28 (8), pp. 906-917. ISSN 0958-9236

PAECHTER, C., 2018. Rethinking the possibilities for hegemonic femininity: exploring a Gramscian framework. Women's Studies International Forum, 68, pp. 121-128. ISSN 0277-5395

PAECHTER, C., 2017. Young children, gender and the heterosexual matrix. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38 (2), pp. 277-291. ISSN 0159-6306

PAECHTER, C. and CLARK, S., 2016. Being 'nice' or being 'normal': girls resisting discourses of 'coolness'. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37 (3), pp. 457-471. ISSN 0159-6306

FRANCIS, B. and PAECHTER, C., 2015. The problem of gender categorisation: addressing dilemmas past and present in gender and education research. Gender and Education, 27 (7), pp. 776-790. ISSN 0954-0253

Authored book

CARLILE, A. and PAECHTER, C., 2018. LGBTQI parented families and schools: visibillity, representation, and pride. Routledge critical studies in gender and sexuality in education . London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138940727

Chapter in book

PAECHTER, C., 2019. Beyond binary discourses: making LGBTQI+ identities visible in the curriculum. In: C.A. TAYLOR, C. AMADE-ESCOT and A. ABBAS, eds., Gender in learning and teaching: feminist dialogues across international boundaries. Abingdon: Routledge.

PAECHTER, C., 2019. Gender inequalities. In: D. SCOTT, ed., Manifestos, policies and practices: an equalities agenda. London: UCL IOE Press.

PAECHTER, C., 2018. Gender and the philosophy of education. In: P. SMYERS, ed., International handbook of philosophy of education. Springer, pp. 981-994.

PAECHTER, C., 2018. Hegemonic femininities in the classroom. In: A. LANGER, C. MAHS and B. RENDTORFF, eds., Jahrbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft zum Thema "Weiblichkeit" - Ansätze zur Theoretisierung. Paderborn: University of Paderborn.

Research datasets and databases

PAECHTER, C., KEENAN, M. and STOODLEY, L., 2023. Girl skateboarders: active girlhood, alternative sports and urban space. [Dataset]

Research report for external body

LUSHEY, C., TURA, F., TOFT, A., HARDING, R., BICKERTON, C., CASSIDY, S., COOPER, S., DAVIES, K., FLEMING, J., HUNTINGTON, B., JAMEEL, A., LAW, S., NEWHAM, K., PANDYA-WOOD, J., RATHORE, G., SLATER, J., TARCZYNSKI-BOWLES, L., THOMPSON, R., WARDLE, L., WOOD, C. and PAECHTER, C., 2023. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes: final report 2023. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

PAECHTER, C., KEENAN, M., STOODLEY, L. and LAWTON, C., 2023. Girl skateboarders: active girlhood, alternative sports, and urban space: final report June 2023. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

BRADY, G., TOFT, A., ALLDRED, P., ROESCH, C., GAIR, H., RAYMOND, E., BROWN, G. and PAECHTER, C., 2022. Transitioning from child to adult: safeguarding practice for young people who have experienced child sexual exploitation: systematic review. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

HARDING, R. and PAECHTER, C., 2022. Experiences of SSBC families in having a family mentor: report prepared for Small Steps, Big Changes. Small Steps Big Changes. (Forthcoming)

BICKERTON, C., LUSHEY, C., PAECHTER, C. and TURA, F., 2022. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes: report on attempt to apply cost-benefit analysis. Nottingham: Small Steps Big Changes. (Forthcoming)

LUSHEY, C., TURA, F., TOFT, A., NEWHAM, K., SLATER, J., LAW, S., JAMEEL, A., RATHORE, G. and PAECHTER, C., 2022. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes annual report: 2022. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

HARDING, R. and PAECHTER, C., 2020. Effects of Covid-19 on families with children under five in Nottingham. Report prepared for Small Steps, Big Changes. Nottingham: Nottingham Centre for Children, Young People and Families; Nottingham Trent University.

TOFT, A., LUSHEY, C., TURA, F., NEWHAM, K., SLATER, J., JAMEEL, A., LAW, S., RATHORE, G., COOPER, S., FLEMING, J., PANDYA-WOOD, J. and PAECHTER, C., 2020. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes annual report: 2020. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

LUSHEY, C., TURA, F., WOOD, C., PAECHTER, C. and WOOD, J., 2020. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes: interim report: January 2020. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

LUSHEY, C., TURA, F., PAECHTER, C., WOOD, J., THOMPSON, R., WOOD, C., HUNTINGTON, B., WARDLE, L., FLEMING, J., CASSIDY, S., JAMEEL, A., LAW, S. and RATHORE, G., 2019. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes: first annual report 2019. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.


PAECHTER, C., KEENAN, M., STOODLEY, L. and LAWTON, C., 2023. Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee: inquiry into children, young people and the built environment. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

PAECHTER, C., DOAK, L., DYMOKE, S., KENT, J., MARRIOTT, M., WOOD, C., CHANTREY WOOD, K., BURKE, P., MCDONALD, A., PETTIGREW, C., TAYLOR, M., TOMLINSON, C. and WARD, M., 2020. Commons Education Select Committee: The impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services. Commons Education Select Committee.

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