Items where Author is "Pinder, I"
Journal article
PINDER, I., NELSON, M.R. and CROFTS, J.J., 2024. Network structure and time delays shape synchronization patterns in brain network models. Chaos: an Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34 (12): 123123. ISSN 1054-1500
PINDER, I., NELSON, M.R. and CROFTS, J.J., 2023. Bifurcations and synchrony in a ring of delayed Wilson–Cowan oscillators. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 479 (2278): 20230313. ISSN 1364-5021
Chapter in book
PINDER, I. and CROFTS, J.J., 2021. Oscillations and synchrony in a network of delayed neural masses. In: A. BANDYOPADHYAY and K. RAY, eds., Rhythmic oscillations in proteins to human cognition. Studies in rhythm engineering . Springer, Singapore, pp. 187-211. ISBN 9789811572524