Items where Author is "Reavey, P"
Journal article
SIMONSEN, T.P.H., BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2024. Vitality and nature in psychiatric spaces: challenges and prospects for ‘healing architecture’ in the design of inpatient mental health environments. Health and Place, 85: 103169. ISSN 1353-8292
REAVEY, P., BROWN, S.D., RAVENHILL, J., BODEN, Z. and CIARLO, D., 2022. Choreographies of sexual safety: forensic mental health and the limits of recovery. Social Science and Medicine: 100090. ISSN 0277-9536
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2022. The privatisation of remembering practices in contemporary inpatient mental healthcare: going beyond Agnes’ jacket. Memory, Mind and Media, 1 (2022): e7. ISSN 2635-0238
MCGRATH, L., BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., REAVEY, P. and TUCKER, I., 2021. Peripheral recovery: keeping safe and keep progressing as contradictory modes of ordering on a forensic psychiatric unit. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. ISSN 0263-7758
ATANDA, O., CALLAGHAN, P., CARTER, T., DURCAN, G., O’SHEA, N., BROWN, S.D., REAVEY, P., VANGELI, E., WHITE, S. and WOOD, K.V., 2020. Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid from the Perspective Of Workplace End UseRs—EMPOWER: protocol of cluster randomised trial phase. Trials, 21 (1): 715.
BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., MCGRATH, L., REAVEY, P. and TUCKER, I., 2020. Organizing the sensory: ear-work, panauralism and sonic agency on a forensic psychiatric unit. Human Relations, 73 (11), pp. 1537-1562. ISSN 0018-7267
RAVENHILL, J.P., POOLE, J., BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2020. Sexuality, risk, and organisational misbehaviour in a secure mental healthcare facility in England. Culture, Health & Sexuality: an International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, 22 (12), pp. 1382-1397. ISSN 1369-1058
REAVEY, P., BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., MCGRATH, L. and TUCKER, I., 2019. Agents and spectres: life-space on a medium secure forensic psychiatric unit. Social Science and Medicine, 220, pp. 273-282. ISSN 0277-9536
TUCKER, I.M., BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., MCGRATH, L. and REAVEY, P., 2019. Living 'in between' outside and inside: the forensic psychiatric unit as an impermanent assemblage. Health and Place, 55, pp. 29-36. ISSN 1353-8292
BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., MCGRATH, L., REAVEY, P. and TUCKER, I., 2019. Affect theory and the concept of atmosphere. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 20 (1), pp. 5-24. ISSN 1600-910X
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2019. Vital spaces and mental health. Medical Humanities, 45 (2), pp. 131-140. ISSN 2504-5229
KANYEREDZI, A., BROWN, S.D., MCGRATH, L., REAVEY, P. and TUCKER, I., 2019. The atmosphere of the ward: attunements and attachments of everyday life for patients on a medium-secure forensic psychiatric unit. Sociological Review, 67 (2), pp. 444-466. ISSN 0038-0261
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2018. Embodiment and place in autobiographical remembering: a relational-material approach. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 25 (7/8), pp. 200-224. ISSN 1355-8250
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2017. False memories and real epistemic problems. Culture and Psychology, 23 (2), pp. 171-185. ISSN 1354-067X
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2017. Dark organizational theory. Journal of Cultural Economy, 10 (3), pp. 280-295. ISSN 1753-0350
REAVEY, P., WILCOCK, R., BROWN, S.D., BATTY, R. and FULLER, S., 2016. Legal professionals and witness statements from people with a suspected mental health diagnosis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 46, pp. 94-102. ISSN 0160-2527
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2015. Turning around on experience: the ‘expanded view’ of memory within psychology. Memory Studies, 8 (2), pp. 131-150. ISSN 1750-6980
REAVEY, P. and GOUGH, B., 2000. Dis/locating blame within the individual: women survivors talk about child sexual abuse. Sexualities, 3 (3), pp. 325-346.
CHAPMAN, G., FISHER, T., ASHWORTH, P. and REAVEY, P., 1997. Creativity and the computer nerd: an exploration of attitudes. Digital Creativity, 8 (34), pp. 97-105. ISSN 1462-6268
GOUGH, B. and REAVEY, P., 1997. Parental accounts regarding the physical punishment of children: discourses of dis/empowerment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 21 (5), pp. 417-430.
Authored book
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2015. Vital memory and affect: living with a difficult past. Hove: Routledge. ISBN 9780415683999
Chapter in book
BROWN, S.D., REAVEY, P., CIARLO, D. and BALOGUN-KATUNG, A., 2023. Travelling memories: repairing the past and imagining the future in medium-secure forensic psychiatric care. In: D. PAPADOPOULOS, M.P. DE LA BELLACASA and M. TACCHETTI, eds., Ecological reparation: repair, remediation and resurgence in social and environmental conflict. Bristol University Press, pp. 225-241. ISBN 9781529239546
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2021. Visual data. In: E. LYONS and A. COYLE, eds., Analysing qualitative data in psychology. London: Sage Publications, pp. 100-121. ISBN 9781529702095
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2021. Visual research in psychology. In: H. COOPER, ed., APA handbook of research methods in psychology. Washington DC: American Psychological Association. (Forthcoming)
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2020. Dilemmas of memory: the mind is not a tape recorder. In: C. TILEAGĂ and E. STOKOE, eds., Discursive psychology: classic and contemporary issues. Explorations in social psychology . Routledge, pp. 210-223. ISBN 9780415721608
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2020. Memory in the wild: life space, setting-specificity, and ecologies of experience. In: B. WAGONER, I. BRESCÓ DE LUNA and S. ZADEH, eds., Memory in the wild. Niels Bohr professorship lectures in cultural psychology . Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 3-56. ISBN 9781648020711
BROWN, S.D., KANYEREDZI, A., MCGRATH, L., REAVEY, P. and TUCKER, I., 2020. Reflections on a photo-production study: practical, analytic and epistemic issues. In: P. REAVEY, ed., A handbook of visual methods in psychology: using and interpreting images in qualitative research. A handbook of visual methods in psychology . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 113-132. ISBN 9781138491809
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2019. Conclusion: remembering as difference. In: B. WAGONER, I. BRESCÓ and S. ZADEH, eds., Memory in the wild. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Forthcoming)
BROWN, S. and REAVEY, P., 2018. Contextualising autobiographical remembering: an expanded view of memory. In: M.L. MEADE, C.B. HARRIS, P. VAN BERGEN, J. SUTTON and A.J. BARNIER, eds., Collaborative remembering: theories, research and applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-215. ISBN 9780198737865
MCGRATH, L., WEAVER, T., REAVEY, P. and BROWN, S.D., 2018. Bursting bubbles of interiority: exploring space in experiences of distress and rough sleeping for newly homeless people. In: L. MCGRATH and P. REAVEY, eds., The handbook of mental health and space. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 135-148. ISBN 9781138643932
BROWN, S. and REAVEY, P., 2018. Rethinking function, self and culture in ‘difficult’ autobiographical memories. In: B. WAGONER, ed., Handbook of culture and memory. Frontiers in culture and psychology . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 159-181. ISBN 9780190230821
BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2016. Institutional forgetting/forgetting institutions: space and memory in secure forensic psychiatric care. In: E. WEIK and P. WALGENBACH, eds., Institutions Inc. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 7-29. ISBN 9781137481474
BROWN, S.D., REAVEY, P. and ALLEN, M., 2016. Remembering 7/7: the collective shaping of survivors' personal memories of the 2005 London bombing. In: A.L. TOTA and T. HAGEN, eds., Routledge international handbook of memory studies. Routledge international handbooks . London: Routledge, pp. 428-442. ISBN 9780415870894