Items where Author is "Szabó, A"
Journal article
BERCZIK, K., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SZABÓ, A., KURIMAY, T., KÖKÖNYEI, G., URBÁN, R. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2014. Exercise addiction – the emergence of a new disorder. Australasian Epidemiologist, 21 (2), pp. 36-40. ISSN 1327-8835
BERCZIK, K., SZABÓ, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., KURIMAY, T., KUN, B. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2012. Exercise addiction: symptoms, diagnosis, epidemiology, and etiology. Substance Use and Misuse, 47, pp. 403-417.
MÓNOK, K., BERCZIK, K., URBÁN, R., SZABÓ, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., FARKAS, J., MAGI, A., EISINGER, A., KURIMAY, T., KÖKÖNYEI, G., KUN, B., PAKSI, B. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2012. Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of two exercise addiction measures: a population wide study in Hungary. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13, pp. 739-746.
Chapter in book
BERCZIK, K., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SZABÓ, A., KURIMAY, T., URBÁN, R. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2014. Exercise addiction. In: K. ROSENBERG and L. FEDER, eds., Behavioral addictions: criteria, evidence and treatment. New York: Elsevier, pp. 317-342. ISBN 9780124077249