Items where Division is "School of Art and Design" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 55.


ABEYWARDENA, C.L., VANHEUSDEN, F.J., WALKER, K.F., ARM, R. and ZHANG, Q., 2020. Fetal movement counting using optical fibre sensors. Sensors, 21 (1): 48. ISSN 1424-8220

ALEXANDER, B. and KENT, A., 2020. Change in technology-enabled omnichannel customer experiences in-store. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services: 102338. ISSN 0969-6989

ANASTASOPOULOS, I., 2020. The development of a process for the production of textiles with fully embedded electronics. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

ANDERSEN, E., 2020. 29 black and white and colour photographs. Housing and the City Exhibition, Housing and the City Conference. 17th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA 2020), Nottingham University, Nottingham, 19-21 November 2020.

ANDERSEN, E., 2020. Begin again. Guts Gallery @guts_gallery, online, 13-27 August 2020.

ANDERSEN, E., 2020. The Go-Betweens Anthology Vol 2. Domino Records, London, 4 February 2020.

ANDERSEN, E., 2020. This may be a series. Nottingham City Libary, Nottingham, 1-30 September 2020.


BAXTER, G., 2020. Hidden hands and missing persons. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 18 (1), pp. 39-52. ISSN 1475-9756

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2020. These shoes were made for talking. In: Eleventh Conference on the Image, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 September 2020.

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2020. When the shoe fits: shoes, nostalgia and the embodiment of memories. In: Nostalgia: 2nd Global Interdisciplinary Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3-4 July 2020.

BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and BAXTER, G., 2020. The archived lace body: contemporary artist designer responses. In: K. TOWNSEND, R. SOLOMON and A. BRIGGS-GOODE, eds., Crafting anatomies: archives, dialogues, fabrications. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, -. ISBN 9781350075474


CARPENTER VAN BARTHOLD, B., 2020. David Pye's fluting engine. In: Y. LEE, ed., Surface and apparition: the immateriality of modern surface. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 99-115. ISBN 9781350130449 (Forthcoming)

CLAXTON, S. and KENT, A., 2020. The management of sustainable fashion design strategies: an analysis of the designer's role. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268: 122112. ISSN 0959-6526

COLES, R., BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and BAXTER, G., 2020. Principles and pilfering: Nottingham lace design pedagogy. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 18 (1), pp. 12-23. ISSN 1475-9756

COOPER, T., 2020. Slower cycles: an essential characteristic of the circular economy. In: S. EISENRIEGLER, ed., The circular economy in the European Union: an interim review. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 99-116. ISBN 9783030502386; 9783030502393


DIAS, T., 2020. Electronically active textiles. Basel: MDPI. ISBN 9783039281442


EDWARDS, E., 2020. Branding tradition: the commercialization of hand embroidery in Gujarat. In: J. HARRIS, ed., A companion to textile culture. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 9781118768624 (Forthcoming)

EDWARDS, E., 2020. Chintz redux: contemporary Indian painted textiles in bloom. Selvedge (93), pp. 32-35.

EDWARDS, E., 2020. Textiles in bloom: block-print revival and contemporary fashion in Northwestern India. In: S. FEE and S. BECKERT, eds., The cloth that changed the world: the art and fashion of Indian chintz. Newhaven: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300246797


FISHER, T. and TONUK, D., 2020. Material processuality: alternative grounds for design research. Design and Culture. ISSN 1754-7075

FORD, P., FISHER, J., PAXMAN-CLARKE, L. and MINICHIELLO, M., 2020. Effective wayfinding adaptation in an older National Health Service hospital in the United Kingdom: insights from mobile eye-tracking. Design for Health. ISSN 2473-5140

FOX, C., 2020. A fragile past: exploring one family’s narrative through the photographs they buried. Trans Asia Photography Review, 10 (2). ISSN 2158-2025


GOWOREK, H., OXBORROW, L., CLAXTON, S., COOPER, T.H., HILL, H. and MCLAREN, A., 2020. Managing sustainability in the fashion business: challenges in product development for clothing longevity in the UK. Journal of Business Research, 117, pp. 629-641. ISSN 0148-2963


HARDY, D., WICKENDEN, R. and MCLAREN, A., 2020. Electronic textile reparability. Journal of Cleaner Production: 124328. ISSN 0959-6526

HARDY, D.A., RAHEMTULLA, Z., SATHARASINGHE, A., SHAHIDI, A., OLIVEIRA, C., ANASTASOPOULOS, I., NASHED, M.N., KGATUKE, M., KOMOLAFE, A., TORAH, R., TUDOR, J., HUGHES-RILEY, T., BEEBY, S. and DIAS, T., 2020. Wash testing of electronic yarn. Materials, 13 (5): 1228. ISSN 1996-1944

HUGHES-RILEY, T., HILL-CASEY, F., OLIVEIRA, C., SHAHIDI, A., HURLEY, W. and DIAS, T., 2020. Understanding the design rules for a nonintrusive, textile, heart rate monitoring system. Digital Medicine, 5 (4), p. 162. ISSN 2226-8561

HUGHES-RILEY, T., SATHARASINGHE, A., OLIVEIRA, C. and DIAS, T., 2020. Engineering a pulse rate monitoring glove. In: A.K. SOOD, P. WIJEWARNASURIYA and A.I. D'SOUZA, eds., Proceedings of SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2020, Vol. 11503: Infrared sensors, devices, and applications X. Bellingham, WA: SPIE. ISBN 9781510638129

HUNT, K., 2020. Learning Aesthetics from People who are Visually Impaired (LAPVI): using visual research methods to better understand the language of touch. In: Normal Now! Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World, Online, arranged by the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 29 October 2020.

HUNT, K., 2020. Sensing beyond sight: sensorial empathy and the language of touch. In: School of Art and Design Research Conference 2020, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 18-19 June 2020.

HUNT, K., ANNA, P. and WORKER, G., 2020. The importance of sensorial empathy and the language of touch when crafting textiles for people who are visually impaired. Craft Research, 11 (1), pp. 57-77. ISSN 2040-4689

HUNT, K. and HAMBLIN, F., 2020. 'Materials in motion': using film as a method for exploring material properties. In: L. CAMPBELL, ed., Leap into action: critical performative pedagogies in art & design education. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 9781433166402


JUNAIDY, D.W., GEORGIEV, G.V., KANER, J. and ALFIN, E., 2020. Identifying interior spatial dimensions according to user preference: an associative concept network analysis. Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 19 (3), pp. 309-326. ISSN 1858-3474


KANER, J., 2020. KEF, TEF, REF and all that: the current state of art & design higher education in the UK. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 25 (1), pp. 9-12. ISSN 1360-1431


LUGODA, P., COSTA, J.C., OLIVEIRA, C., GARCIA-GARCIA, L.A., WICKRAMASINGHE, S.D., POURYAZDAN, A., ROGGEN, D., DIAS, T. and MÜNZENRIEDER, N., 2020. Flexible temperature sensor integration into e-textiles using different industrial yarn fabrication processes. Sensors, 20 (1): 73. ISSN 1424-8220


MAIER, D. and BRACEY, A., 2020. Controlled rummage as artistic strategy: exposing the Bummock of the Lace Archive. Textile, 19. ISSN 1475-9756

MILES, G. and SHORE, S., 2020. Photography and flow: Stephen Shore x George Miles. IMA, 32 (Summer).

MONETA, A., 2020. Architecture, heritage and metaverse: new approaches and methods for the digital built environment. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 32 (2). ISSN 1050-2092

MOSSCROP, M. and CARPENTER VAN BARTHOLD, B., 2020. Journal (2016-2018): conversations on looms, cloth and weaving. In: Y. LEE, ed., Surface and apparition: the immateriality of modern surface. Bloomsbury Visual Arts . London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 116-123. ISBN 9781350130449 (Forthcoming)


NANDASIRI, G.K., IANAKIEV, A. and DIAS, T., 2020. Hyperelastic properties of platinum cured silicones and its applications in active compression. Polymers, 12 (1): 148. ISSN 2073-4360

NANDASIRI, G.K., SHAHIDI, A.M. and DIAS, T., 2020. Study of three interface pressure measurement systems used in the treatment of venous disease. Sensors, 20 (20): 5777.


PEPPER, A., 2020. Enough is Definitely Enough. Oceans Apart Studios, Salford, 7 March - 3 April 2020.

PEPPER, A., 2020. Enough is Definitely Enough. Pineapple Black, Middlesbrough, 24 September - 17 October 2020.

PEPPER, A., 2020. Fence-sitting and an opportunity to unsettle the settled: placing critical pressure on creative holography. Arts, 9 (1): 34. ISSN 2076-0752

PEPPER, A., 2020. Holography - a critical debate within contemporary visual culture. Arts special issue (9). Basel: MDPI AG, p. 92. ISBN 9783039362264


SATHARASINGHE, A., HUGHES-RILEY, T. and DIAS, T., 2020. A review of solar energy harvesting electronic textiles. Sensors, 20 (20): 5938. ISSN 1424-8220

SHERCLIFF, E. and TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2020. Stitching together: ethical dimensions and innovative approaches to participatory textile making. Journal of Arts & Communities, 11 (1-2), pp. 3-11. ISSN 1757-1936

SHERCLIFF, E. and TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2020. Stitching together: participatory textile making as an emerging methodological approach to research. Journal of Arts and Communities, 10 (1-2), pp. 5-18. ISSN 1757-1936


TOWNSEND, K., 2020. On fashioning anatomy. In: K. TOWNSEND, R. SOLOMON and A. BRIGGS-GOODE, eds., Crafting anatomies: archives, dialogues, fabrications. Crafting anatomies . London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 289-304. ISBN 9781350075474

TOWNSEND, K., 2020. Reflections on Bummock: the Lace Archive symposium. Textile, 18 (1), pp. 92-99. ISSN 1475-9756

TOWNSEND, K., 2020. The electric corset and other future histories. In: K. TOWNSEND, R. SOLOMON and A. BRIGGS-GOODE, eds., Crafting anatomies: archives, dialogues, fabrications. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 89-110. ISBN 9781350075474

TOWNSEND, K. and SADKOWSKA, A., 2020. Re-making fashion experience: a model for ‘participatory research through clothing design’. Journal of Arts and Communities, 11 (1-2), pp. 13-33. ISSN 1757-1936 (Forthcoming)

TOWNSEND, K., SOLOMON, R. and BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2020. Crafting anatomies: archives, dialogues, fabrications. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ISBN 9781350075474

TOWNSEND, K., SOLOMON, R. and BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2020. Introduction: Crafting anatomies. In: K. TOWNSEND, R. SOLOMON and A. BRIGGS-GOODE, eds., Crafting anatomies: archives, dialogues, fabrications. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781350075474

TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2020. Fashion fictions: exploring alternative fashion worlds together. In: Pivot 2020: Designing a World of Many Centers, Tulane University (online), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 4 June 2020.


VAZQUEZ, D., WU, X., NGUYEN, B., KENT, A., GUTIERREZ, A. and CHEN, T., 2020. Investigating narrative involvement, parasocial interactions, and impulse buying behaviours within a second screen social commerce context. International Journal of Information Management, 53: 102135. ISSN 0268-4012

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