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BREACH, M., 1988. Small pass Doppler translocation. In: Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Land Surveyors Division, Biennial Conference.
MCCONNEL, R.E., CHILTON, J.C., KUBIK, M.L. and KUBIK, L.A., 1988. The analysis and performance of the 'CUBIC' space frame system. In: Proceedings of 11th ACMSM, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1988, Auckland, New Zealand.
ODDEY, A., 1988. Augusto Boal and the theatre of the oppressed [keynote paper]. In: Middlesex University, 1988.
PYATT, F.B., 1988. Effects of cations on Hydra oligactis and Chlorohydra viridissima [poster presentation]. In: British Ecological Society Annual (Winter) Conference, 1988.
SU, D., 1988. Numerical analysis of worm gearing: inter-related parameters of contacting tooth surfaces. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Zheng Zhou, China.
WILLIAMS, P., 1988. Deterritorialisation and black British writing. In: Proceedings of the 1988 HETE Conference.
WILLIAMS, P., 1988. Representation in the Raj Quartet. In: Proceedings of the 7th LTP Conference.