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BENNETT, M., 2014. Entre deux drapeaux: cinq saints et deux tricolores en guerre, 1801-1815. Amiens, France: Musée de Picardie, pp. 47-54.
BUTLER, J., 2014. Bela Bedenler. Istanbul: Pinhan Yayincilik.
CROWTHER-DOWEY, C., GILLESPIE, T., HOPKINS-BURKE, K. and KUMARAGE, C., 2014. Firebreak (SPUR) project report: young people's views on healthy and abusive relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.
DE FREITAS, S. and MAHARG, P., 2014. Digital games and learning [series editor]. Abingdon: Routledge.
FORD, P., 2014. De Montfort University: Unit 34 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory REF 2014: impact case studies. Leicester: De Montfort University.
FORD, P., 2014. De Montfort University: Unit 34 - Design Supporting Business – Research-through-practice by practice as research (Portfolio) REF 2014. Leicester: De Montfort University.
FORD, P., 2014. De Montfort University: Unit 34 - Design, Sustainability and Business – Research-through-practice informed by practise as research (Portfolio) REF 2014. Leicester: De Montfort University.
FORD, P.B., 2014. Design sustainability and business. Portfolio submission. Leicester: De Montfort University.
GOUGH, M., HAMER, N. and LEICESTER, L.A.R.S.A.&.P.G., 2014. Finding hope [4 films]. Leicester: RCC (Leicestershire & Rutland).
HEYM, N., 2014. Reinforcement sensitivity theory in threat processing: applications to psychopathy.
MURPHY, P., 2014. From buildings to people: a new regulatory regime for fire and rescue services. Impact case study. Nottingham: Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University.
O'NEILL, M., 2014. The EU's polity problem: path dependent governance or prospects for reform? [series of 10 lectures]. Cluj-Napoca: Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University.
SANDBORG, J. and HIGGINS, D., 2014. In a place like this.