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ECCLES, T., 1999. Review of ‘Trade unions and the management of industrial conflict’, by R.Aris [book review]. International Labour and Working – Class History, 56, pp. 143-145.
HOYLAND, J., 1999. [2 photographs and half page review of exhibition '121 Portraits']. Hot Shoe International, p. 6.
HOYLAND, J., 1999. The eyes have it [4 photographs and full page review of exhibition '121 Portraits']. The Big Issue in the North, 268 (0511), p. 29.
JAYNE, M., 1999. Book review. Chartered Surveyor Monthly.
REAVLEY, G., 1999. Cookie's fortune - film review. Scope: an Online Journal of Film and Television Studies. ISSN 1465-9166
SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. Book review: 'The ethics and conduct of lawyers in England and Wales' by A. Boon and J. Levin. Nottingham Law Journal, 8 (2), pp. 106-111.